Sonson Choe itibaren Arahura Valley, New Zealand



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2020-01-06 17:40

Principatus Devri'nde Lykia ve Pamphylia Kökenli Roma Senatörleri - Zeynep Özüsağlam-Mutlu TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Kırmızı Yayınları

I'm kind of torn on rating this. Four stars means "I really liked it." I did. The characters listen to the soundtrack to Almost Famous at one for this book: it was almost perfect. Calle is a sophmore aged girl who has been moved from place to place (twelve in eight years) by a seemingly flaky mother who can't hold on to a relationship to save her life. At the end of each one, they flip a penny onto a California map and head that direction. Mom finds a job, a new place and a new man. In Andreas Bay, Calle seems to be luckier than usual in that she's taken in by a group of drama clubbers and has an instant group of good friends willing to watch her back and buoy her up. Up until now, she's been quite alone. To stave off loneliness and to piece together memories she writes in her journal. Each chapter of the book begins with a song title and a blip of memory that Calle attaches to it. I thought this technique was very effective. It gives you bits of her troubled past, but doesn't interfere with the momentum of the story. Calle has good taste, too, for the most part, so that was good for me. Despite friends, Calle still struggles to navigate the waters of adolesence. She also learns that her mother hasn't exactly been telling her the truth about the men, the moves or about her father that has been trying to contact her for all of her fourteen years. My first issue with this book is so nit-picky. Every time someone asks her about herself, she tells them the whole story. Each time it happens the author uses some variant of "I tell her/him my story." That line ends the scene and we move on. A bit repetitive. Lastly, and I have to use caution lest I spoil something, the ending was just too perfect, lacked the heart that I'm sure was intended and really left me flat. If it hadn't been for the wonderful visual writing throughout and clear, well-formed characters, this would be getting three stars, but honestly, I really liked this book and I understand all the teenage praise filling the front two pages of this edition. p.s. This gets über bonus points for being 97% free of foul language and being wonderfully clean in all other aspects.

Okuyucu Sonson Choe itibaren Arahura Valley, New Zealand

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.