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Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Yapı Kredi Yayınları
So a guy wakes up in a hotel room in a bathtub full of ice and his kidney is gone, throw in a badass female assassin, a family of coked out criminals and one dying 17 year old and hold out for hell of a ride. First in a three part arc.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Can Yayınları
I just finished reading this a couple of days ago. I loved it. It wasn´t an ending I was expecting. Some things connected in ways I didn´t think would ever connect and it shocked me. Bianca was her same self (strong, independant, and caring) Everyone warmed up to her being a ghost. Lucas turning was heartbreaking for him and Bianca. Their relationship was changed along the way and there was a complete shock at the end. Overall great book and amazing series.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Alfa Yayınları
Wonderful book about putting writing into a manageable package/perspective. Lots of personal history (although rather grim). I afterwards read several of her novels and thought they missed the mark. This remains my favorite of Lamott's books.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Pegasus Yayınları
بخشی از زندگینامه ی مهدی آذر یزدی به نقل از روزنامه ی ایران. بچه كه بود كتاب نداشت، پاى منبرهاى مذهبى بزرگ مى شد و هر چه مى شنيد قصه هايى تكرارى بود. «قصه هاى خوب براى بچه هاى خوب» آذريزدى كه خيلى ها روزگار كودكى شان را با آن سپرى كرده اند با استقبال خوبى مواجه شد. دكتر خانلرى به مدير انتشارات اميركبير گفته بود كار خوبى است، بگوييد ادامه دهد و آذريزدى كم كم اعتماد به نفس پيدا كرد و كار را ادامه داد. روزگار كودكى اش در سختى و فقر رفت. اصلاً مدرسه نرفته و رنگ كلاس درس را نديده، تا جايى كه وقتى در پنجاه سالگى براى اولين بار يك كلاس درس مى بيند نمى تواند جلوى گريه خود را بگيرد. الفبا را از پدر ياد گرفته و خود را با كتاب ساخته است. پدرش معتقد بوده مدرسه آدم را فاسد مى كند و مى گفته به فكر آخرت باشيد. حساسيت ديگر پدر هم به خاطر اين بوده كه مدرسه محله متعلق به زرتشتى ها بوده كه پدر با آنها ميانه اى نداشته. عقده مدرسه نرفتن و بچه ها را با كيف و لباس مدرسه ديدن هميشه براى مهدى آذريزدى باقى مى ماند. نان و پنير و پياز و سركه غذاى روزگار كودكى خانواده آذريزدى بود و هيچ وقت پولى در خانه نداشتند. خيلى از چيزهاى مورد نيازشان را مى كاشتند و يامثلاً آرد را با صابون عوض مى كردند. اين طور بود كه مادر اصرار داشت مهدى سر كارى برود تا مزد بگيرد و پول به دست آورد. بعد از مدتى كار كردن با پدر، در يك جوراب بافى مشغول شد و بعد در يك كتابفروشى كه معبر او بود به دنياى جديدش كه خلاصه مى شد در كتاب، همدم تمام تنهايى هايش. وقتى با كتاب آشنا شد، فهميد دنيا از خرمشاه هم بزرگتر است. آن روزها دكتر محمدعلى اسلامى ندوشن در سال چهارم دبيرستان ايرانشهر درس مى خواند و از اين كتابفروشى كتاب مى خريد. آذريزدى مى ديد ديگران دكتر و استاد مى شوند. متوجه شد راه ديگرى ندارد جز اينكه با كتاب خودش را بسازد. بيست و يك ساله بود كه راهى تهران شد و اينجا مشغول به كار در چند انتشاراتى و كار تصحيح و ويرايش. كتابهايش را هم مى نوشت: قصه هاى تازه از كتابهاى كهن، شعر قندوعسل، گربه ناقلا، گربه تنبل، مجموعه قصه هاى ساده، مثنوى بچه خوب و تصحيح مثنوى مولوى. سال ۷۳ اما آذريزدى دوباره به يزد بازگشت. ديگر پول اجاره خانه در تهران را نداشت. به خانه پدرى رفت كه با آرامش بنشيند و بنويسد؛ پشيمان شد، ولى ديگر توان جابه جايى نداشت. زندگى در شهرستان را دوست ندارد و مى گويد همه چيز براى مركزنشين هاست: «هرچه هست در تهران است، نمايشگاه، كتابخانه و ... پل عابر پياده هم كه پله برقى شده. آن وقت مى گن تهران شلوغ شده، خوب مردم از ولايات مى رن تماشا و ماندگار مى شن!» آذريزدى اين روزها
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Siyer Yayınları
OK. Generally, I don't like this kind of book (teen angst/girly romance/action/eldritch). HOWEVER... this one was OK. Possibly because I just read two of the Hush Hush books, which are... well, read my reviews on them. Needless to say, these books are better. The "City" books in general and this one in particular contain a great deal less whining and a lot more action. The characters, including the minor characters, receive the attention they are due, and the story realistically addresses the sociological situation caused by five supernatural races occupying the same small island. The thing I like the most about these books is that they don't treat the female characters as if they constantly need to be rescued. The females get on with rescuing themselves, and often others while they're at it.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Dipnot Yayınları
I loved this story, I loved the characters and how they interacted with one another through the book. It made me want to turn up at the shop and start knitting!
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Lider Yayınları
"Aeschylus I: Oresteia (Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The Eumenides) by Aeschylus (date?)"
Faery! (Ace Science Fiction) (1985)
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Altın Kitaplar - Çocuk Kitapları
this was a pretty slow starter, but it picked up a little to carry the reader through. Lots of detailed setting descriptions.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Epsilon Yayınevi
I think I must have read a different book from everyone else... 5 stars... really?! not for me. I knew "who done it" early on, there was information overload, there was added plot too near the end (to help make more sense of it all) and I really don't care for books which seem to leave out the final chapter. I'm still wondering who done it (#2)
Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.