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- Boyutlar: Normal Boy
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Müşterek Ravi Teorisi ve Tenkidi.pdf Kitabın yeniden yazılması
Emili Mattos emilimattos — sequel to Swindle
Rob Palmer _ob_ee — very enjoyable memoir full of reasons to really let yourself go and dig into the moment.
Barbaros Selim bsbuyukelci — I thought this was fairly entertaining.
Ahmed Amin _7md_min1 — I really liked this book. It has an interesting point of view of the story, and I like how this author writes. It also helps that my husband is related to Rebecca Nurse (one of the women convicted as a witch) and that my interest is high for historical novels.
Edith Lunar edith_unar — best murakami yet..i love may kasahara.
Mario Ravalli mario7bdc — Before I even begin to say anything critical about Mockingjay, I must mention that you absolutely MUST read this series. It is difficult to look objectively at a specific book in a series when the series itself is so fantastic, but I will try my best. I guess, when everything is boiled down, Mockingjay is my least favorite of the three books, because it feels the least like The Hunger Games. The writing is different here, for some reason; the sentences have gotten choppier and less imaginative when describing action. There was one scene in the Capitol where the action, while interesting, was written so flatly that I found it difficult to watch unfold in my mind, something that was second-nature with the action scenes in the previous two books. And it seemed like every time the action would start to build up, something would happen to Katniss and she’d be back in a hospital room, and we’d have to piece together what happened through broken conversations with Haymitch or Plutarch. And Katniss’s detachment from the action really infuriated me, to the point of having to take breaks from the book itself. This is one of the big differences between Mockingjay and the other two books; the action is just told to you. In The Hunger Games we felt like we were watching the Games as they happened (albeit, through Katniss’s eyes only) and everything Katniss knew, or was feeling, we felt too. The same goes for Catching Fire, as even internally we knew what Katniss was going through. Now Katniss herself doesn’t even know what is going on, so what does that leave for the reader? While reading the first two books, my reactions were more anticipatory (“oh my god”s and “no way”s) because I was so invested in the action. But for Mockingjay, my reactions were reduced to “is this really happening?”s and “are you serious?”s, which isn’t really a good sign. The action was there, for sure, but it was happening so unbelievably that you felt, for the first time, that this was something that takes place in the distant and unthinkable future. But the biggest problem I had with Mockingjay was the treatment of the characters, both in life and in death. There were deaths to beloved characters that were just written off as nothing, and if you even so much as blinked you would never have known they died. I would rather have had a fourth book in the series instead of everything being crammed into Mockingjay. Even the deaths of characters we had just met this book were written off as if they never had any significance to the story, even though they were arguably just as important to the tributes killed during any of the Games. Even characters that didn’t die were reduced to mutt-like caricatures of their former selves, leaving the impression that everybody has been changed for the worse, even given their individual circumstances and where they end up. Katniss, our heroine herself, was nothing but a puppet the entire book. Even when she thought she was in control, she wasn’t, which made her even more frustrating than she actually was. She is so easily influenced by everybody else that, by the end of Mockingjay, she was just completely empty, going through the motions of being a human being. And while I am pretty sure this was intentional on the part of Suzanne Collins, there was something so dishearteningly unlovable about Katniss throughout this entire book, you have to wonder why both Gale and Peeta were even still pursuing her. Speaking of Peeta, he was easily one of my favorite characters throughout the series, so I was completely put-off by the way he was handled in Mockingjay. Without giving anything away, I will just say “ugh” and leave it at that. Even the ending of the book, something I had been waiting for, just kind of happened. He just wasn’t the same “boy with the bread” anymore. But, aside from the writing and the lackluster handling of non-Katniss characters, I would say that Mockingjay was actually a rather compelling story. The premise was great and exactly what we had been building up to, and I really think this book lends itself to a movie better than the other two. If anything, Mockingjay made me appreciate Catching Fire more than I originally had, which is always a good thing. But my own steady decline in enjoyment from the beginning of The Hunger Games to the end of Mockingjay doesn’t make me want to recommend the series any less. I wasn’t looking for the nice ending, and I certainly was not expecting it, after everything that had happened, but even a pessimistic ending needs some coherency. I just, don’t know. The end of the book was a complete trip, and I don’t think my mind has yet recovered. From a certain character’s death onward I don’t think I was actually reading the book consciously; it was more of a suspended disbelief, like there were going to be more pages, or another book to follow, instead of everything just ending. If you haven’t read The Hunger Games (the series, not the book), please do so.
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