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Öğretmen 3. Sınıf Tüm Dersler Yaprak Test - Fatma Güvel.pdf Kitabın yeniden yazılması
Danail Vidinsky _ark_rbit29d92 — Bu kitap, çoğu 1913, 1926, 1967, 1980 ve 2008'de belirlenen bir veya iki gün olan 5 bölümde çok şey yakalamaktadır (ve her yıl benim için silinmez bir şekilde yakalanmıştır). Görünüşte bir ailenin başka biriyle kesişimi hakkında, aynı zamanda A.S. Byatt'un Mülkiyeti. Buradaki yapı farklıdır, çünkü önce gerçek hikayeyi alırız ve daha sonra hafızanın ve diğer faktörlerin sonraki nesillerin nasıl yorumladığını ve neler olduğunu sezdiğini nasıl gördüğümüzü görürüz. Eşcinsel şairleri belirsizlikten (kurgusal, ancak yine de) geri almayı önemsiyorsanız sizin için daha ilginç olabilir. Bununla birlikte, aynı zamanda İngiltere'nin ve 20. yüzyıldaki sınıf yapısının azalması, Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nın (ve daha az bir şekilde hikaye - İkinci Dünya Savaşı için) bir kuşak üzerindeki etkisi, biyografinin zor rolü ve güzel şiir, çünkü içeriği önemli bir zaman dilimi için çok grafik olabilir. Ve Hollinghurst her zaman bir cümle veya açıklama dönüşüyle güzel bir yol var. Benim fave hala Katlanır Yıldız, ama bu kitap tavsiye edilir.
Bárbara De barbaradepaulo — Hands down, this is probably one of the best books I have ever read. James Clavell is a literary genius who has the ability to keep his readers completely engaged despite the book's considerable length of 1250 pages.
Seng U sengu911 — This is another brill read.I couldn't stop reading this book and didn't put it down until I was finished.Once I was I read it a few more times. This is a wonderful story about a girl called Dizzy, she goes on an adventure that most of us would dream we could go on too. Dizzy has never known her mum, her whole life she has wished to meet her mum again,as when she was really little her mum left her and her dad.The only way she hears of her mother is on her birthday each year.She gets a small postcard or a present, telling her how her mother is. But, on her twelth birthday, there is nothing from her mother. After school a bright coloured van is parked outside her house and someone is waiting inside for her to whisk Dizzy off her feet, and change her life. I love Cathy's books and have them all signed by her at her friendship festival!
José Martínez josemartinezg — ** spoiler alert ** (I recently re-read this book for my book club.) My first reading of the book almost 10 years ago was a complete delight…and a crushing experience. Ha! No, seriously, the book is *sad* and I remember feeling nearly bereft at the fate of the characters and at not being able to have them in my life for longer despite the great length of the book. This time around, because I anticipated so much misfortune but couldn’t remember the specific details (with the exception of a few key moments in the book), I was almost relieved that all the potentially horrible moments in the book didn’t necessarily turn out as I feared they would as I read. That is, the characters careened toward the brink over and over but fate managed to put the brakes on, averting disaster at the last moment. For that reason, I think I was able to appreciate the small joys and happy moments even more than the first time around. Overall, the book portrayed despair and disappointment, but there were precious moments of hope and gladness as well, and I especially enjoyed that the characters were able to appreciate those moments, too. This time, as with the first, I fell in love with the characters’ humor and quirks; despite the profound sadness of so much of it, I laughed aloud repeatedly. At the end, the ones who were worst off were still able to hang onto that joy unlike one in particular who despite his relative comfort couldn’t deal with life and gave up. I thought these two passages were key: “Then what did you do?” “What can anyone do in such circumstances? Accept it, and go on. Please always remember, the secret of survival is to embrace change, and to adapt. To quote: “All things fall and are built again, and those that build them again are gay.’” “Yeats?” guessed Maneck The proofreader nodded, “You see, you cannot draw lines and compartments, and refuse to budge beyond them. Sometimes you have to use your failures as stepping-stones to success. You have to maintain a fine balance between hope and despair.” He paused, considering what he had just said. “Yes,” he repeated. “In the end, it’s all a question of balance.” (A Fine Balance, pp. 228-29) ----------- He rearranged his hand, discarded a card face-down and announced, “Rummy!” After presenting his completed sequences, he analysed the errors others had made. “You should never have thrown away the knave of hearts,” he told Dina. “That’s why you lost.” “I took a chance.” He gathered up the cards and started shuffling. “Okay, whose deal is it?” “Mine,” said Dina, and accepted the deck. (A Fine Balance, p. 565)
Helen Lang helenlang0927 — too bad they don't have more than 5 stars... this sets the bar pretty high. what i learned: the enemy's gate is down!
Eugenia Berenguer _umna85 — I had to read this book for summer reading, and because of that I began this book quite caustiously. However, I was pretty pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the book. The writing style was pretty dry, but the author was a journalist at some point, and it was pretty similar to journalistic writing, plus it is non-fiction, so I couldn't hold that against the book but so much. Hiroshima tells an important story, but one thing that wasn't made clear in the book that should have been is that the Japanese government had been given an ultimatim: surrender or we'll drop an atomic bomb on your country. They did not surrender, so the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. My dad pointed out to me that since an atomic bomb had never been used before, they may have just asumed we were bluffing. We told them the bombs would keep coming until they surrendered (which was, in fact, a bluff, since we only had two) but they still refused until the second bomb dropped on Nagasaki. I assume the public had no clue, but the government did. Now, for the actual stories in Hiroshima. I felt espcially sorry for Miss Sasaki. Her engagement was called off for two reasons, both of which she could not help: she was a hibakusha (survivor of one of the A-bombs)and that she was a cripple from injuries suffered when the bomb went off. I found this ridiculous, but what can you expect from an arranged marriage? The man obviously didn't love her, and therefore had no reason to stay. But he didn't even visit her in the hospital. To me, that's dispicable. Both that he and his family abandoned her so readily for something she could not help, and that he didn't try to be very compassionate about it. Ugh. Disgusting. Sorry, rant over. To summarize: The book was pretty good, much better than I expected, though the writing style is lacking in that it's dry and pretty monotone. Other than that, it was a great book.
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