Akıllı Adam LYS Şahane Matematik Ders Notları Tarafından Akıllı Adam Yayınları
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Akıllı Adam LYS Şahane Matematik Ders Notları Kitabın yeniden yazılması
Rion Holland rionholland — Gripping tale, macabre and downright scary...if you like serial killer novels with a mix or horror, you'll enjoy this read from Max Griffin.
Miguel Salazar mikpsy92f7ee — I loved every second I spent reading Divergent. Its quick, fluid pacing, combined with edge of your seat plotting and heart rending characters, lent itself well to this dystopian debut. Divergent takes place in a Dystopian Chicago. It has long been discovered that the cause for the worlds’ strife and political unrest wasn’t due to race or religion but rather the personality traits of human beings. Thus a new government was formed and divided into factions that were created according to those virtues that leaders found to be the most prudent. Those of Dauntless value bravery and live a life dedicated to service through valor. Erudite values knowledge and are a faction devoted to studies. Amity values love and happiness, Candor – Honesty and Abnegation values selflessness above all else, thus making them best suited for leadership roles in government as they are uncorrupt able. At the eve of the choosing ceremony, the event in which young adults choose the faction in which they will live, we meet Tris Prior. Tris is a 16 year old girl that has grown up in Abnegation, but has found the factions ideals difficult to live by. She often feels out of step and ponders what it would be like to live a life afforded by other factions. However doing so would mean betraying her family. While her upcoming aptitude test could support what she has always known, that she doesn’t belong in Abnegation, she also fears what the results with say. But when her results come back inconclusive, Tris must make her choice without a guide. Tris’s choice and the consequences that follow kept me turning the pages into the wee hours of the night. I simply couldn’t find a stopping point! Tris was a character that I could root for and the world that Roth has created is intricate and entrancing. I can’t wait to see what happens in the sequel. Side note: I’m normally peeved to read books that are the start of a trilogy, but at nearly 500 pages, Roth gives plenty of meat to her story to keep readers satisfied.
Brock Martin _rock_artin — Although it has been a long time since I read the first two books in this series, I was able to pick this one up and remember enough that I didn't feel lost. I actually think I like this YA series better than her adult series, even though they carry a similar theme. It was also interesting to see some of the characters from her Women of the Otherworld series make cameo appearances (even if only by name) in this series. We hear of the famous sorcer Cabals in this last book. Being a YA series, it is free from the language and sexual scenes that are found in her adult series. Overall, this was a fun, quick, hard-to-put-down read.
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