Ruan Lategan itibaren Bruniquel, France



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Ruan Lategan Kitabın yeniden yazılması (10)

2019-12-15 02:40

Savaş Sanatı - Sun Tzu TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Yason Yayıncılık

When I saw that a good friend had written that this was a favorite of hers I knew I had to read it. One of the biggest things we have in common is a huge love for animals so I knew this had to mean something. At first, I wasn't so sure. I liked the authors voice, he has an enjoyable sense of humor. It took just a little getting into for me - not having anything to do with the Gracie really but I wanted to get into the meat of it. Basically, the bakery and baking didn't mean anything to me until Gracie was really a part of it. Which, in a way she was from the beginning, but I mean a real part. Not Dad trying to help his pooch. (This isn't to say there is a bad or boring part to the story - there really isn't - this is just what interests me more and less.) But once I go into it I really got into it. I shudder to think of what Gracie's - short - life would have been like without Dan and Mark and - initially - Anne. I thank God that these people and Gracie found each other and I wish, so hard, that more people - that everyone - could see what these people saw with Gracie. It's not just Gracie. Gracie did it for Dan. Dottie and Sarah did it for Mark. Every animal is capable of it if we allow them. I don't think I'd ever heard of 3 Dog Bakery before this book but I applaud these people for making this work and I'm glad it worked out for them. These are the type of people I like to see make it. Saving Gracie really is a worthwhile book. I doubt many non-lovers of animals will pick it up but if just one does and changes the way he or she treats an animal it's all worth it. I normally would would keep this but I'll have to get it again in the future for Julia because this is a bookcrossing book and I'd like it to go on to the next person now. But I do want Julia to read it eventually.

2019-12-15 06:40

Özdebir 5.Sınıf Matematik Çek Kopar 32 Yaprak Test TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Öz-De-Bir Yayınları

Saya ingin membagi ulasan ini menjadi dua bagian, hal-hal yang saya sukai dan hal-hal yang, bukan tidak saya sukai, tapi saya pertanyakan :) Hal-hal yang saya sukai Kisah inspiratif tentang seseorang yang 'bukan siapa-siapa' tapi berhasil menaklukkan dunia dengan perjuangannya sendiri selalu memikat bagi saya. Iwan adalah anak ketiga dari lima bersaudara, putra seorang sopir angkot di Batu-Malang, yang berhasil meraih jabatan direktur di sebuah perusahaan terkemuka di New York. Kisah-kisah sukses semacam ini yang selalu menyadarkan saya bahwa dunia ini sebenarnya adil, jika kau mau berusaha. Gaya bercerita Iwan cukup nyaman untuk diikuti, sehingga tulisannya terasa mengalir hingga akhir. Kejujuran Iwan untuk menceritakan kesulitan hidup serta kecanggungannya saat berhadapan dengan dunia metropolitan yang serba gemebyar patut diacungi jempol. Kadang tidak mudah untuk tetap bersikap sederhana dan rendah hati ketika kesuksesan telah diraih. Saya misalnya, jika selepas kuliah langsung mendapat posisi bagus seperti Iwan di perusahaan bergaji besar, mungkin sudah ogah naik angkutan umum dan langsung menyicil mobil serta apartemen (abaikan). Saya suka sekali sosok Nico teman Iwan, pemuda asli Kanada yang jatuh cinta pada Indonesia, bahkan membuat tato bendera merah putih di pergelangan tangannya. (Ini bisa dikategorikan hal-hal yang disukai kan? :D) Buku ini semakin nikmat dibaca karena nyaris bersih dari typo dengan setting yang rapi dan enak dilihat. Hal-hal yang saya pertanyakan Penggunaan keterangan 'sebuah novel' di sampul depan. Menurut saya buku ini lebih cocok disebut catatan hidup atau catatan perjalanan atau apalah namanya, karena hampir semua yang tertulis di sini mencantumkan nama, tempat, dan kejadian sungguhan. Bukan fiksi. Kesukaan penulis mencantumkan berbagai merek, tempat makan, tempat belanja, dll. Setidaknya jika ini diniatkan sebagai sebuah novel, saya sebagai pembaca awam tidak selalu butuh keterangan sedetail itu. Saya membayangkan bocah khayalan yang selalu menemani Iwan adalah dirinya sendiri sewaktu kecil. Dirinya yang masih polos dan memandang dunia dengan mata bening. Tapi mengapa mereka selalu bercakap-cakap dengan bahasa Inggris? Ya itu hak prerogatif penulis sih, tapi mungkin akan lebih mengharukan jika mereka bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Jawa? (Dan menambah tebal halaman buku karena harus diterjemahkan hehehe) Dari awal penulis beberapa kali mengatakan rahasia-rahasia dalam hidupnya yang tak pernah bisa dia ceritakan kepada siapa pun. Sampai halaman terakhir saya masih belum tahu sebenarnya apa rahasia yang begitu membuatnya galau. ("Makanya disebut rahasia, tahu," kata suara hati saya). Terakhir, sebagai sebuah kisah inspiratif, saya merasa buku ini agak 'murung'. Dengan segala kesuksesannya yang luar biasa, penulis selalu merasa kesepian dan galau. Maafkan kalau saya salah. Tapi sebenarnya ini nilai plus juga, karena dia dengan jujur mengungkapkan bahwa kesuksesan dan keglamoran sehebat apa pun, tidak ada artinya tanpa kebahagiaan dan kedamaian di hati. Dan kedamaian bagi Iwan adalah kembali ke kampung halaman yang sudah mengalir dalam darahnya. Kembali ke Batu. Kembali berkumpul bersama keluarga yang menjadi napas hidupnya. Satu hal yang ingin saya ketahui, setelah kembali ke Batu bagaimana kehidupan Iwan selanjutnya? Mungkin jawabannya bisa saya dapatkan di tayangan Kick Andy minggu-minggu mendatang. (Lho kok malah promosi :D) Kutipan favorit: - Masa depan buat kami saat itu adalah mempersiapkan makan saat matahari terbit keesokan hari. - Aku terus berlayar, aku terus berlayar, aku tidak bisa hanya diam menunggu keajaiban.

2019-12-15 08:40

Mars'ta Yaşam :Hikaye Stem TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Pusula Yayıncılık

** spoiler alert ** "We have been cooped up together for two happily-ever-after years. Recently we noted that we were beginning to finish each other's sentences. Pretty soon we may start speaking our own language, like kids raised by wolves." I found that section rather surprising. Is this author that unaware of what people-who-spend-time-together do, or ... what? That's one of my favorite things about marriage. We know each other. And it's a favorite part of other relationships, too. When a friend and I start singing the same song at the same time, or start a quote from FRIENDS that we don't even need to finish, we know exactly what the other person is thinking. We know each other. And that's a good thing. Maybe, though, what she's really saying, even in the beginning of the book without acknowledging it yet, that she wants a child. Because that's where this is going. Toward a baby girl from China. But I'm getting ahead of myself. There's some great writing in this. I found myself tearing up so many times that I stopped tracking where. Her mother gets sick and there is just some great stuff in there, even if I don't have the relationship with my mother that she has with hers. I did think this was interesting, though, and it's the part that earned the "made me think" shelf tag here on Goodreads: She said she's done with GBS. Just ... done. "Nothing more to say. It's time to go forward. That's me, I'm a moving-forward kind of person." "Yes, you are," I said, because I believe her. Or I want to. And I'm a here-and-now kind of person. Or I'm trying to be. My mother is a help. A mother's example is a kind of permission. A mother's example gets hardwired into you. My mother's example, I think, virtually assured that I wouldn't end up an emotional lingerer, a pouter, a moper. She could write comedy - she has these quick comments like "Alex looks at me with the uncomfortable look you reserve for, say, a lunatic." That made me giggle (especially in context). Plus, she has figured out humans... This is the sort of thing a parent sees that helps her make the determination that her child is the most brilliant creature to set foot on this Earth -- a tendency that all new parents seem to have, no matter what else they are bringing to the table in terms of projection. This is a beautifully written sort of random, stream of consciousness book that is the book equivalent of "easy on the eyes". It just went down easily, and was a good book for right now. And also? Another book that makes me want to garden. Edited to add that I am still confused (4 days later) about something. I'm not 100% sure, but I am mostly sure, that she never said her brother's name in this book. The sisters are all named, but she (as far as I remember and noticed at the time) only ever refers to her brother as "my brother". That's weird.

Okuyucu Ruan Lategan itibaren Bruniquel, France

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.