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2019-07-09 20:41

Beslenme Saati - Ayça Kaya TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Doğan Kitap

Gullible nonsense. No one can read this book with an open mind and not come to the conclusion that Pepper's "witnesses" are mostly opportunistic liars who provide absolutely no evidence. Pepper believes anyone who tells him what he wants to hear (even when it is later revealed that they have a commercial interest in spreading misinformation in the interest of self-enrichment). His acceptance of Beverly Oliver's veracity is sadly illustrative. Oliver was a dancer and singer who worked for club-owner Jack Ruby in Dallas, Texas. In the 70's she came forward and famously claimed that she had been in Dealey Plaza and had filmed the assassination of President Kennedy with a Yashica Super-8 Zoom camera. She also claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald had visited Ruby's club prior to the assassination and had been introduced to her by Ruby as "my friend Oswald from the C.I.A." The problem is that no such camera existed in 1963 and that secretive CIA agents usually don't get introduced to unimportant strangers by having their undercover status outed. Not to mention that Oswald's family always lived in poverty, not a problem for most people employed by U.S. intelligence. This type of gullibility pervades the entire book as Pepper elaborates on a vast government conspiracy involving President Johnson, military intelligence, JFK's *real* assassins, the mafia and others to assassinate King and frame James Earl Ray. The more prosaic truth is that James Earl Ray, a white supremacist, assassinated Dr. King. He may have had help from unknown conspirators (perhaps his brothers) but he undoubtedly pulled the trigger. One of Pepper's star witnesses is Loyd Jowers, a Memphis restaurant-owner, who came forward with a confession of involvement in the assassination conspiracy right after the release of Oliver Stone's pro-conspiracy blockbuster film "JFK." His co-workers later came forward to state that Jowers had asked them to publicly back up his fabrication in the hopes of making a lucrative movie deal. In the civil court case that followed, the defense (Jower and his lawyers) began the case by stipulating that the accused was guilty as charged. Thus, with the accused, his lawyers and the prosecution *all* agreeing to a conspiracy the jury had no choice but to find Jowers guilty. All that was requested in the suit was $100 from the accused. Undoubtedly, thanks to folks like Pepper, Ray went laughing to his grave.

2019-07-09 21:41

Sisle Gelen Yolcu - Jean Christophe Grange TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Doğan Kitap

** spoiler alert ** Thirteen-year-old Claire Louise Corbet, living in Vicksburg, Mississippi in the spring of 1863, struggles with the many changes the Civil War has brought to her family and her life. Her beloved older brother Landon, has joined the Union Army as a doctor, leaving the Corbet family with divided loyalties - they still love him, but support the Confederate cause. Her father, also a doctor, has joined the Confederate Army. And when Vicksburg comes under siege by the Union Army, Claire Louise, her little brother James, their mother, and their household servants must leave their comfortable house to live in a cave. Soon after, Claire Louise finds her loyalties further divided. Her brother, whom she hasn’t seen in many months, has returned to Vicksburg to care for wounded soldiers. He brings with him Robert, a wounded Confederate soldier. Landon confides in Claire Louise that Robert is a Confederate officer that was responsible for an order from General Lee that fell into Union hands, leading to a terrible Confederate defeat. Though Robert insists the order was lost accidentally, Landon feels compelled to turn him in. Now Claire Louise is forced to choose between her brother and helping Robert, which she feels is right in her heart. I have loved most of the books I read by Ann Rinaldi, so I really wanted to like this one as well. But in the end, I thought it was just okay, and nothing more. For starters, it was really at least a bit too short, and was missing a lot of backstory and explanation - why did Landon join the Union Army? Why was he so readily accepted back in Vicksburg after betraying his Confederate neighbors to help the enemy? The character of Claire Louise herself was inconsistent at times as well, sometimes acting very immature for her age and other times making adult decisions. My Vicksburg isn’t a terrible book - it’s a quick, pleasant enough read. Readers who already love Ann Rinaldi’s books will likely find it an enjoyable enough way to spend a couple of hours. But for those readers looking for a really good novel about the Civil War, or who are new to this author’s books, there are much better books out there, including several others about the Civil War by Ann Rinaldi herself that I thought were much better than this book.

2019-07-10 04:41

Yalnız Uyuyanlar İçin TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Can Yayınları

Numa das minhas incursões à Feira do Livro de Lisboa deste ano, aproveitei para trazer este livrinho, que me tinha despertado o interesse não só por ter gostado imenso do "Mágoas da Escola", mas também porque se trata de um livro que fala de livros e da paixão pela leitura. A curiosidade era tanta que acabei por lê-lo no dia que o comprei :) É um livro pequeno, que se lê depressa, mas recheado de conteúdo. Nesta pequena dissertação, Daniel Pennac fala-nos da tarefa de incutir o gosto pela leitura nos mais jovens, tanto a nível de pais como de professores. Faz várias considerações a nível das leituras obrigatórias na escola: em como, mais do que escolher obras adequadas, se deve pensar muito bem na forma e nos objectivos com que elas são lidas. Se a ideia é incentivar os jovens a ler, porque não tentar fazer com que os jovens se interessem realmente pelo que estão a ler? Claro que falar é fácil e a análise da obra é fundamental, mas pode transformar-se num prazer em vez de ser uma tortura. Daniel Pennac fala-nos de algumas das suas experiências, em que, após a reticência inicial dos seus alunos face a leituras obrigatórias, a leitura do próprio livro em voz alta na aula (um dos exemplos é do Perfume, de Patrick Süskind), fez com que a maioria deles se interessasse de tal forma que se sentiam impelidos a arranjar o livro para saber como terminava a história., antes de a leitura em aula terminar. Decerto não é uma fórmula mágica que funciona com todos, nem será a única solução, mas é de facto uma boa ideia. O papel dos pais é igualmente importante: mais do que querer que os filhos leiam à força, devem, acima de tudo, disponibilizar-lhes os livros para que, se a necessidade surgir dentro deles, os tenham ali à mão. Para além disso, Daniel Pennac enumera e explica os seus famosos Direitos Inalienáveis do Leitor. Deixo aqui também algumas citações que recolhi ao longo do livro. Gostei imenso! O verbo ler não suporta o imperativo. É uma aversão que compartilha com outros: o verbo «amar»... o verbo «sonhar»... Reler não é repetir, é renovar constantemente um infatigável amor. A leitura não resulta da organização do tempo social, ela é como um amor, uma maneira de ser. A questão que se coloca não é saber se tenho ou não tempo para ler (tempo esse que, aliás, ninguém me dará), mas sim se tenho ou não prazer em ser leitor. Poucos objectos suscitam, como o livro, um sentimento de propriedade absoluta. Quando nos caem nas mãos, tornam-se nossos escravos - escravos, sim, porque são feitos de matéria viva, mas escravos que ninguém pensaria sequer libertar, pois são folhas mortas. [...:] Fazemos passar os livros pelas piores provações. Mas é o modo como os outros o maltratam que nos magoa.

Okuyucu Alternatif Home itibaren Goth Islamabad, Pakistan

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.