I Tagi itibaren Faqekuq, Albania



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2018-09-20 15:41

Günışığından Huzmeler TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Kurgu Kültür Merkezi Yayınları

** spoiler alert ** Favorite Lines: “There are no white knights, Kate. You don’t need one. Get back to your life and make it what you want.” (p. 56) Reverb is a troubling book. Why? It’s a heavy book in which multiple rapes affect everything. I guess that’s where the title kinda comes in as reverb is “an effect whereby the sound produced by an amplifier or an amplified musical instrument is made to reverberate slightly.” It’s not the usual heroine rape, though. The story is intriguing. A man is institutionalized against his will, raped, escapes and must find out how to live again while on the run. The author shows the long journey to self-worth that James is forced to travel and it is a painful trip. It didn’t happen overnight and even by the end of the book, James wasn’t a happy, carefree man. He was a man who made a life after losing everything. He found a woman who supported him and tried to be the best man he could be. The book wasn’t for me though and I’ll tell you why. James (the hero) is obviously an extremely damaged man. He tries to keep people at arm’s length, but when he finally lets his heroine in she tries to show him another side to the atrocities he was forced to endure. She has some valid points, such as he needs to confront his father and see if his father knew how James was being tortured. But she lost me when James expressed his feelings about being returned to the facility. She tells him: “Shut up! I don’t want to hear anymore. How important could Cameron and I possibly be to you if you’re so keen on killing yourself when faced with a little adversity?” “A little adversity?” He flashed her a look like hatred then turned back to the road. “You know what I mean. I need you to listen to me very carefully now.” She hoped he could hear her through his anger. The hero handles it, but with those sentences the heroine lost my support. If I can’t believe in the power of a heroine’s (or hero’s) love, the book does not work as a romance for me. I don’t believe the two can live happily ever after, and for me that makes or breaks a romance novel. However, this book isn’t a romance. It is a general work of fiction that really disturbed me I felt like there was an ongoing theme of characters chastising the hero. Even the hero’s father and his father’s assistant shook their proverbial fingers at the hero. I was pissed. It felt like the characters were trying to justify placing James in a facility, while pleading ignorance of how he was treated. Kinda like, “Well, I (he) did the what I (he) thought was best for the right reasons, but something bad happened. That’s not my (his) fault.” It made me furious. The impertinent child still glared at him. How was he to get through to this man? “He took you into his home, his life, and provided you with a stable, supportive environment that encouraged and funded your talent without limits. And you walked away. You shame me as a man and a mentor. I thought you knew better than that.” Really? After the hero has been raped by men and women, and you now know of his torture, you’re trying to get through to him that his father wanted to take care of him. Really? A grown man? We’re not talking about a teenager. We are talking about a man who is around 30-years-old. From the beginning to the end, people want to fix him, to pull him away from his music simply because he’s a musical prodigy who lives and breathes music. They want him to take a larger interest in the world. Well look at how that world treated him. In the end, Reverb is just not my type of book. It left me disturbed and filled with negative energy. Scooper Speaks

2018-09-20 21:41

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi-Kolektif TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Kırmızı Yayınları

Inhalt: Als Cassandra von ihrer Großmutter Nell ein Cottage in England erbt, begibt sie sich zeitgleich auf die Suche nach ihren Vorfahren. Lange hatte sie sich sicher in der Familie aufgehoben gefühlt, doch plötzlich muss Cassandra erkennen, dass Nell nicht die leibliche Tochter von Haimish ist und bereits zu Lebzeiten versucht hat, ihre Familie ausfindig zu machen… Schreib-/Erzählstil: Kate Morton enttäuscht mich durchweg. Sie hat keinerlei Feingefühl für Charakterbildungen und so schwimmen alle Protagonisten an der Oberfläche, ohne richtig in die Geschichte abzutauchen. Anfänglich fand ich Eliza noch sehr interessant, aber sie erweist sich als Abziehbild einer Schriftstellerin, die versucht hat, andere Kollegen zu kopieren. Meine Meinung: Ich habe von Anfang an keinerlei Zugang zu der Geschichte finden können. Anfangs war ich bereits verwirrt: Wer ist Eliza Makepeace und kenne ich ihre Märchen irgendwoher? Im Laufe der Geschichte stellte sich Eliza als eine Hauptprotagonistin heraus, der ein Stempel von Morton aufgedrückt wurde: Eliza ist eine Märchenschreiberin, die sich ihre Geschichten durchweg zusammen gebastelt hat aus bereits vorhandenen und populären Märchen. Doch das wird unter den Tisch gekehrt. Kinder, die arm sind und deren Onkel sein perverses Augenmerk auf die Nichte legt? – Jeder, der sich für solche Geschichten interessiert, ist mit V. C. Andrews ausgezeichnet bedient. Ich vergöttere alle Werke, auch die des Ghostwriters. Nicht umsonst lebt sie noch über ihren Tod hinaus mit ihren Ideen weiter. Der Klappentext von Der verborgene Garten gibt reißerisch an: Liebe, Romantik und Spannung bis zur letzten Seite! Äh – wo denn? Richtig geliebt wird nicht, da ja alle irgendwie entweder adelig und in einer schrecklichen Beziehung gefangen sind oder die Liebe des Vaters abweisen, der sich sein Leben lang der Tochter angenommen hat, weil sich herausstellt, dass er nicht der leibliche ist. Fürchterlich! Romantik, weil man einen verborgenen Garten entwirft? Frances Hodgson Burnett, die sogar erwähnt wird als ein Partygast, müsste sich Fremd schämen, so sehr hat Morton kopiert. Fazit: Eine Kollegin sagte in der Mittagspause zu mir: Oh, das ist spannend! Und schon da habe ich gesagt, dass mir der Zugang einfach nicht gelingen will. Das ständige Wechseln in den Zeiten und die miserable Ausarbeitung tun der Geschichte keinen Gefallen. Hätte nicht veröffentlicht werden müssen!

Okuyucu I Tagi itibaren Faqekuq, Albania

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.