Eject Creative itibaren Drohomyshl', Lviv Oblast, Ukraine



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2020-01-14 09:40

Küçük Mutluluklar Kitabı - Aşkım Kapışmak TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: İnkılap Kitabevi

As I began reading The Third Chimpanzee, a little voice in my head told me that I should stop reading books by Jared Diamond. His subsequent three popular science books all have their origins in this one; I began with Guns, Germs, and Steel and then read Collapse. So reading The Third Chimpanzee was sort of like getting a summary of those two books, plus the one I haven't read yet. Thus, I sought out to determine if the latter books suffered because they were too long an exploration of Diamond's ideas, or if they are superior to his original formulation of arguments concerning those three subjects. The shocking answer will soon be revealed! Caveat: parts of this book are now dated, as it was written nearly twenty years ago. Hence, while I usually find Harper's "P.S." sections boring, this one was useful because it allowed Diamond to update us on some of the advances in science and historical discoveries since the book was first published. My reaction to this book is probably the most mixed reaction I've had to any of Diamond's books thus far. As the aforementioned "P.S." author interview says, Diamond's life as a modern scientific polymath stems from a desire not to be confined to "one tiny slice of life's palette." He began as a physiological researcher and has since distinguished himself for writing on subjects like ornithology, anthropology, history, and geography, earning him the title of "biogeographer." I applaud Diamond for his varied interests and ability to apply those interests and synthesize an argument about human development from multiple disciplines. However, it's important that the reader remember that Diamond isn't a geneticist, astronomer, anthropologist, etc. And sometimes, he overreaches himself when attempting to apply his considerable life experience to his arguments. Oh, and he also tries to be witty and . . . well, once and a while it works, but most of the time his attempts at humour fall flat. In Part One, Diamond begins by examining how we differ from our closest relatives. There's a fancy chart that shows the estimated dates of evolutionary divergence from common ancestors (gibbons and orangutans split off earlier, then gorillas, then chimpanzees and humans finally went their separate ways around 7 million years ago). Still, the human genome and chimp genome are 98 per cent similar, and Diamond argues that this is enough of a similarity that humanity should constitute the "third chimpanzee." He then postulates that the rise of complex spoken language was the cause of the anthropological "Great Leap Forward" that allowed humans to begin developing the behaviour required for societies to arise. This is the "teaser" part of the book, in which Diamond whets our appetite for details he'll later reveal. He also makes a one-off attempt to plead for the cessation of medical experimentation on chimpanzees, implying that because we are—in his view—of the same genus, it's just as bad as experimenting on humans. Regardless of one's views on the subject, Diamond raises an interesting point . . . and then doesn't return to it at any subsequent moment in the book. Next, Diamond looks at humans' anomalous "life cycle" compared to the rest of the animal kingdom, particularly primates. Humans are the only primates in which the women go through menopause and cease being fertile. Chimpanzee males have larger testicles than human males because chimpanzee males mate so frequently they need the extra sperm, but most couplings last only seconds! I've always been interested in how our different sexual characteristics have helped humanity rise to its present status on the planet, so I loved this part of the book. Furthermore, unlike some later parts, Diamond remains on firm ground when he seeks evolutionary explanations for human sexual behaviour. That ground becomes progressively shakier in Part Three, perhaps the worst of the five parts to Diamond's book. Here, he examines aspects of human society that are uniquely developed—the two most notable examples are art and drug abuse. Unfortunately, Diamond over-extends his attempts to explain these behaviours purely from an evolutionary perspective. Is this because evolution can't solely explain them? Or is this merely a failure on Diamond's part as thinker? It's a little of both, in my opinion: Diamond is great at synthesizing disparate sources of information to create a compelling thesis; unfortunately, as he does so, he tends to get somewhat reductionist in his perspective. While his argument is not wrong, it is at the very least incomplete, which still makes it flawed. I was annoyed when, in the chapter on extraterrestrial life, Diamond began to explain why it's not necessarily likely that an advanced species would develop radio: You might object that I'm being too stringent in looking for early precursors of radios themselves, when I should instead look for just the two qualities necessary to make radios: intelligence and mechanical dexterity. But the situation there is little more encouraging. Based on the very recent evolutionary experience of our own species, we arrogantly assume intelligence and dexterity to be the best way of taking over the world, and to have evolved inevitably. Now, I actually agree with the latter part of that quotation. The fact that, on Earth, so far humans are the only form of life to have developed what we term "intelligence" indicates it may not be the only path to global domination. After all, prior to their extinction, the dinosaurs ruled the Earth, and they were certainly dumb by our standards. Still, Diamond is short-sighted; he wrongly assumes that intelligence or dexterity are prerequisites to leveraging radio. They're prerequisites in the invention and construction of mechanical radio transmitters and receivers, sure. "Radio" itself is a medium; radio waves constitute part of the electromagnetic spectrum of radiation. Just as many species have independently evolved eyes to see visual light (and some species can see into other spectrums), what's to stop a species on another planet from evolving a radio transceiver organ? Perhaps the absence of any such creature on Earth would make such an evolutionary development unlikely, at least on Earth-like planets. However, not every habitable planet has to be exactly Earth-like. Maybe there exists conditions on another planet where the evolution of biological radio makes sense. This is a totally hypothetical, spontaneous scenario, but I hope it demonstrates my problem with Diamond's reasoning. In an effort to produce the best arguments possible, he often generalizes or focuses too narrowly on subjects beyond his best areas of knowledge. In Parts Four and Five, Diamond explores the seeds of the ideas that would turn into two of his later books, Guns, Germs, and Steel and Collapse. Since I've already read these books, I have to admit I skimmed a great deal of these sections. The chapter on language was interesting, but I had already learned much the same from the more recent Before the Dawn . If you read a great deal of anthropological non-fiction, you too may find these sections less-than-fascinating. The one exception is Chapter 17, "The Golden Age That Never Was." Thank you, Mr. Diamond, for that chapter. It irks me to no end when I hear someone talk about the "good ol' days" of human society, some sort of pastoral paradise where everyone was happy and we experienced no strife. The idea that simpler times were better times is a myth, one that Diamond thoroughly discredits in this chapter. He shows us that people, for the most part, have perpetrated the same sort of acts in the past as we see happening now—the difference is one of degree. Modern technology allows us to expand the scale and speed with which we create problems, making us more efficient at marshalling chaos. Unfortunately, Pandora's box has been opened, and there's no going back. Diamond comes to the same conclusion and so focuses on what hope we might have for the future of our spaces, however slim. As with Collapse, Diamond broadcasts a message of cautious optimism. We may be able to survive, provided we as a society "choose" to begin living in a way that's more sustainable. He's vague on the details, claiming that his book is "an analysis" of our problems rather than a laundry-list of potential solutions. The solutions, he maintains, are already well-known; we just have to choose to implement them. While that sort of rhetoric isn't very appealing to me, I understand Diamond's difficulty in writing prescriptions. Nevertheless, that call for optimism is less effective in such an unhelpful context. Right from the start of The Third Chimpanzee, Diamond was up front about his mad love for New Guinea and its peoples and his opinion that it's somehow a microcosm for the development of society. Those who have read my review of Guns, Germs, and Steel know how I got tired of hearing that line. Paradoxically, the New Guineans feature more heavily in this book, but I found their inclusion both more tolerable and more interesting. I actually learned things about New Guinea that made me exclaim, "Oh, that's cool!" rather than roll my eyes and snort, "Right, OK Diamond. Whatever you say." My experience with The Third Chimpanzee has therefore provoked the least amount of sarcasm from me regarding Jared Diamond's writing. It is both the best and the worst of his work: where it is flawed, it is more flawed; where it is useful, it is far more useful. If you read one Jared Diamond book, this should be the one. And there's the rub. It's difficult to write popular science books. There's a fine line between intelligent and esoteric, between academically rigorous and overly-complicated. Diamond has undertaken a challenge, and for that I respect him; at least he isn't writing puff pieces. For the majority of people, The Third Chimpanzee is worthy of dinner table conversation or book group discussion; it's a great starting point in the quest to read anthropological non-fiction. It is not the culmination of that quest, but a stepping stone along the way to more rigorous, more intense non-fiction on this subject. And that's all it can be.

2020-01-14 11:40

Palme Yks Organik Kimya Soru Kitabı TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Palme Yayıncılık

EDIT: So, after having read this book a few times and also seen the movie, I'm amending my review. I previously rated this as 3 stars, but with time it's grown on me and I think I'm going to bump it up to 3. One of my main criticisms is that the entire premise of The Hunger Games themselves was so over-the-top manaically villanous as to be completely unbelievable. Giving it a little more thought, I'm able to make the leap a little easier after thinking about the desensitization of society to violence, and the way people obsess about reality TV, and from a historic perspective, the way humans have the capacity to literally convince themselves that other humans aren't human. (In other words, slave owners really were convinced that they were a superior species to the blacks they enslaved, so in that sense it's not so hard to see residents of the Capitol holding similar attitudes towards residents of the Districts.) It's still ridiculous- the concept of the Careers is beyond absurd- but I can stomach it a little easier. Also, after having seen the movie, and how it addresses my complaints about the lack of rebellion in Book 1, I am going to give this some more leniency there too. The format of the book- first person present tense - makes it basically impossible for the book to touch on anything but Katniss's experience in the arena. The movie handles this well, in a way that Collins might have if she'd been able to shift the POV elsewhere. I'm more lenient, but I still think it's a flaw- there could have been much stronger hints interwoven, perhaps with Cinna, or the Avox girl, or even some inkling of an under-the-surface resistance among the black market participants in the Hob. As for the love triangle- still as STUPID as ever. I am really sick of the "plain girl doesn't realize that every boy she's ever met is madly in love with her" trope. I mean yeah, I had that fantasy when I was 14, but give me a break. It's ridiculous and frankly undermines Katniss's awesomeness. She can be just as much of a badass WITHOUT "lots of boys like her" and "she has no idea the effect she can have" and all that other crap. Peeta's mooning over her made me gag at points. Can we have some novels about teenage girls where romance is just completely NOT RELATED? PLEASE. Pretty please? OK, I won't hold my breath. ---------------------------------------------- So, what does it mean when you pick up a book one day, hold it over the stove while you stir your dinner hoping you don't drip sauce on it, don't put it down until you've finished the whole thing, and then go to write a review and feel the urge to give it only 3 stars? I love YA literature, I love fantasy novels, I love dystopian messed-up societies, I love plucky young female characters, and I couldn't put this book down until I had finished every last word. But the premise of this story is just a little too ridiculous. Katniss Everdeen is sent from her district to take part in The Hunger Games, a brutal fight-to-the-death battle between 24 teenagers broadcast on live TV each year. Just let that sink in for a minute. I mean, seriously? I'm not objecting to the level of violence, or how disturbing of a concept it is. It is very violent and very disturbing, and that's ok- sometimes that's what makes the best literature. I am, however, objecting to how RIDICULOUS it is. It just feels so contrived, that any evil, authoritarian government would even come up with something so absurd and extreme to keep their citizens in line and remind them who's boss, and the poor, dejected citizens would submit to it so docilely. The more the story develops, the more ridiculous it gets. You learn that citizens of the Capitol are so inhuman as to view the Games as wonderful entertainment, staging elaborate traditions and events around it and even betting on which children will die first. Again, I am sure that humans are capable of such awful things, but the degree to which the society in this book buys into it just comes off as completely unbelievable. There are are some minor background characters who have apparent rebellious streaks, and there are tiny hints of unrest here and there, but it is just not enough for me to go on. In the beginning chapters, this made it really hard for me to willingly suspend my disbelief. I got over that a bit in the middle, during the actual descriptions of Katniss's battle for survival. But the whole mess popped up at the end again, after the Games were over. In the beginning the lack of rebellion made it hard for me to really swallow the story. At the end it made it hard for me to even care. Why am I reading this story about these poor oppressed people if none of them are ever going to do anything about it? That's not even a story at that point. I'm being overly harsh. I really DID enjoy the book, and I've got books 2 and 3 right next to me, ready to be cracked open the minute I submit this review. I am sure my itching for rebellion of some kind will be addressed eventually, but it's still a pretty fatal flaw that so little of it was even hinted at in Book 1. So while the adventure is fun and engrossing, the premise is just a little too dramatic to be completely believable. And let's just not even get me started on the superfluous romance. No, really. I'm not going there.

2020-01-14 12:40

Ulysses Moore 3 - Aynalar Evi - Ulysses Moore TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık

There aren't enough good things I can say about this book. It was one of the best werewolf books I've ever read. And yes, I almost feel like I'm cheating on Maggie Stiefvater as I say this, but it's true. One of the things I loved most about it, was it was completely steeped in wolves and wolf interactions. There was no girl-meets-unusual-boy or boy-meets-girl-who-has-a-secret. Everyone knew everything, there was no great reveal and everyone was pretty much on equal footing. Our protagonist who leads us effortlessly through the story, is Bryn - fifteen and human living among the strongest pack of werewolves. She was rescued at the tender age of four by Callum, the oldest and strongest Alpha in history. She is considered Pack, one of them who carries their scent and who is to be protected like one of their own. Bryn strives to keep herself an individual, and cuts herself off from the bond that links every member of the pack. But when she discovers a secret in Callum's basement, she has to open herself up to everything she spent eleven years fighting against. There is so much drama and action in this novel, I found myself aching to know more whilst determined to go slow so I could feel everything. The characters were easy to like (and some VERY easy to hate) and by the end I almost felt wolfish myself. Raised by Wolves was the first werewolf book I read where you truly got to know what pack life was like. You got to feel the power, the dominance and what it meant to obey. This is sure to be a winner with anyone who loves wolfy books or YA. I certainly can't wait for Trial By Fire.

Okuyucu Eject Creative itibaren Drohomyshl', Lviv Oblast, Ukraine

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.