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Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: CTT
This is not going to be much of a review. I enjoyed the novella, but I didn't love it. While reading The Torrents of Spring, I kept comparing Turgenev's Sanin to Dostoevsky's Raskolnikov. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't read much Russian literature, so what I do read, I compare to the few other Russian novels I've read. It could also be because Turgenev referenced Dostoevsky in his letters to Flaubert, so I may have had him on the brain. I'm sure that didn't have anything to do with my lack of love for the novella, though. Sanin was kind of this macho type of guy, while Raskolnikov was a more sensitive, intellectual type. Raskolnikov thought about doing things; Sanin just did them. For instance, Sanin fought a duel for a young woman who was engaged to someone else because her fiancee didn't step up after she was "insulted" by some military officers. He owned land and serfs; Rasky was without an income. (And yes, I do realize Raskolnikov acted on things, but he thought about them endlessly before and after.) **Spoiler Alert** As a consequence of the duel, Sanin won the love of Gemma, but then threw it away for hot sex with someone else. It was difficult to feel much of anything when he did it because the character of Gemma wasn't written with much depth. In fact, the most interesting character in the novel was the woman with which Sanin had the affair. She was, as "they" say, a pistol. Even though I liked his letters more than I liked this novella, I don't think this experience will stop me from reading more Turgenev. Knowing he suffered from chronic gout made me laugh when I found this passage amid a novel about love found, love lost, and heartbreak: Who does not know what a German dinner is like? Watery soup with knobby dumplings and pieces of cinnamon, boiled beef dry as cork, with white fat attached, slimy potatoes, soft beetroot and mashed horseradish, a bluish eel with French capers and vinegar, a roast joint with jam, and the inevitable 'Mehlspeise,' something of the nature of a pudding with sourish red sauce; but to make up, the beer and wine first-rate! Yum yum.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Koridor Yayıncılık
Een heel oud boek, uitgegeven in de tijd dat Wilhelmina nog Koningin was en Beatrix net gedoopt was, geheel in oude spelling natuurlijk, en met ouderwets taalgebruik, wat best vermakelijk is. Het boek streeft er naar ons meer kennis te geven over de Oranjeprinsessen. In feite komt het er op neer dat de Vaderlandse geschiedenis wordt vertelt waarbij de aandacht op de vrouwen ligt - veel is of was er over de vroegere prinsessen blijkbaar niet bekend, want de hoofdstukken over hen zijn meer stukjes politieke geschiedenis dan biografietjes (net zoals in "De vrouwen van Willem van Oranje" door Thera Coppens, eigenlijk) Af en toe wordt het erg verwarrend - als er meerdere zussen in een gezin zijn (iedere prinses heeft haar eigen hoofdstuk,) gaat het verhaal van de hak op de tak en worden er soms namen genoemd van personen die we pas in volgende hoofdstukken leren kennen. Vaak is de geschiedenis ook weer net wat te beknopt om goed te volgen te zijn voor iemand die er niet zo bekend mee is. Ik vermoedde dat mijn interesse af zou nemen bij Wilhelmina, Juliana en Beatrix omdat ik niet zoveel belangstelling heb voor 20e-eeuwse geschiedenis, maar niets was minder waar. Alhoewel de auteur een erg roze bril opheeft, is de informatie die hij geeft over de Wilhelmina en vooral over de jeugd van Juliana erg leuk om te lezen. Ook de geschiedenis rond de geboorte van Beatrix is boeiend - hoe anders waren de tijden dan tegenwoordig. Wij denken wel dat er veel aandacht uitging naar de geboorte van de dochters van Willem Alexander, maar dat is niets vergeleken met hoe het land meeleefde ten tijde van Juliana's eerstgeborene. Daarna echter wordt er uitgebreid verslag gedaan van de doop van Beatrix - er worden meer bladzijdes aan de stoet en de preek gewijdt dan aan menig prinses uit voorgaande eeuwen in totaal (en dan moet je er dus nog bij bedenken dat die hoofdstukken zoals gezegd vaak meer over de geschiedenis van Nederland verhaalden dan over de prinsessen zelf.) Snurk!!! Maar de eerbied die de auteur voor het Koningshuis heeft en de verhalen die hij (?) vertelt over de gebeurtenissen die afspeelden rond die tijd zijn wel heel verklarend voor het schijnbaar onverklaarbare Oranjegevoel dat we nu nog tijdens Koninginnedag zien. Die eerbied betekent ook dat je in dit boek geen schandalen hoeft te verwachten (à la "Voor de troon wordt men niet ongestraft geboren" door Dorine Hermens & Daniela Hooghiemstra ) - ja, een paar telgen wordt wel verweten een eigen willetje te hebben gehad, maar Willem I, II en III waren voorbeeldige Koningen, Anna Paulowna kon prima aan Nederland wennen en geen woord over het kind dat Marianne's koetsier bij haar verwekte - terwijl dat destijds toch al bekend was. Gemiddeld genomen dus een schoon, ietwat droog, maar interessant boek.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Kabalcı Yayınevi
Contains Spoilers!!!!!------ I liked this series, but the end was debatable. I can't decided if I wanted her to live or not. I keep thinking about her family and how sad they must be. It breaks my heart especially after we already read 3 whole books about them. I'm glad that Kristen got her life back, but I was still annoyed. I’m glad that Caspian and Abbey get to finally be together, but I was hoping that Caspian would come back to life. It would have been sappy, but at least I would have been happy. I wasn’t that surprised to find out that Caspian was a descendent of Mr. Crane. I was surprised to learn that Vincent was supposed to be Abbey’s Revenant. He is a bastard for killing Kristen, but I am glad that Abbey got to live a little longer for it. I’m disappointed with the end actually. I don’t really like families having to suffer because their child dies. It is upsetting to read 3 books about a family and then having Abbey taken from them is upsetting. I don’t think Abbey was very nice to her mother though. She was a bitch and extremely rude to her. When her mom wanted to spend time with her, she was so reluctant. I would love to spend time with my mom. It just annoyed me the way Abbey treated her mother. I was a little confused about Cyn’s role in the story. That was until she was able to channel Kristen’s spirit. I liked this book. It was interesting, fun and Verday is a good writer. I didn’t like the ending. It was to much for me.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Mandolin Yayınları
I really enjoyed this series in it's young adult glory. It was mysterious and had a great moody location and left me feeling spooked and magical all at the same time.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Kırmızı Kedi Yayınevi
Absolutely laugh out loud hilarious and original!
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: İnkılap Kitabevi
Sure it might be fairly well-written...but I really hate this book
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Ravza Yayınları
Really powerful poetry and short essays by a black, gay author who died of AIDS in the 90's. Confronts issues of race, sexuality, love, lust, public policy, discrimination activism, and oodles more. A particularly touching story about him coming out to his grandmother is included. His work addresses the works of others, including a (rightfully) critical essay about Mapplethorpe's jungle fever.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Kitapkalbi Yayıncılık
Fascinating, dense.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Altın Kitaplar
Cheryl Strayed has written about the depths of grief in this remarkable debut novel. When Teresa is diagnosed with cancer, it is difficult for her children and her partner to deal with the emotions that accompany a devastating diagnosis. They struggle individually and together to comprehend the enormity of what Teresa endures and wonder how they will manage without her strong presence in their lives. After her death, they each go their own ways to struggle with their ensuing emotions. Cheryl Strayed has given us a remarkable insight into the grieving process, and reminds us that there is no right or wrong way to do it and no time frame; however, it must be faced before healing can begin.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Mavi Çatı Yayınları
The story is nothing special at all, but at least Crichton did his homework about pirates very well, since the details and setting are very well crafted. I guess that if Crichton had been able to finish his work on the book, it would have been much better.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Dex Kitap
Her ne kadar finansal terminoloji beni biraz şaşırtmış olsa da, bu, ABD'deki asal mortgage krizinin arka planının şaşırtıcı bir şekilde ortaya çıkmasıydı. Ne kadar açgözlü piçler ...
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Say Yayınları
Arkadaşım Ty hem filmin hem de kitabın büyük bir hayranı. İkisini de görmediğimi veya okumadığımdan bahsettiğimde, bıkmıştı. Filmden biraz keyif aldım ve kitabı okumamda ısrar etti. Hikayeler kendileri ve ilgili insanlar oldukça ilginçtir ve zorlayıcı okumalar yaparlar. Wolfe'nin stili zaman zaman biraz ızgaradır - birkaç tema seçer ve onlardan bahseder ve bunları OVER ve OVER ad nauseum'a işaret eder, sanki okuyucu size büyük işaret parmağı olmadan noktaları birleştiremeyebilir. yine bir başka örnek "uçmak ve içmek, içmek ve araba kullanmak". Yine de, insanlı uzay programımızın başlangıcında yer alan erkekler hakkında biraz bilgi sahibi olmakta fayda var. Her zaman insansız projelere yöneldim, kısmen büyükbabam onlarla JPL'de yoğun bir şekilde ilgileniyordu ve kısmen de insanların orada olmasının ne kadar önemli olduğunu hiç anlamadım. Bunu okumak, insanlı uzay uçuşunu sevenlerin bakış açısını anlamama yardımcı oldu (konudaki konumumu değiştirmek için hiçbir şey yapmasa da). Eğer insanlı ve insansız uzay araştırmaları konusunun ortak bir tartışma konusu olduğu eski çalışma arkadaşlarımla bir kitap kulübünde olsaydım, bu okumak ve tartışmak için mükemmel bir kitap olurdu. Merkür astronotlarının yüklerden biraz daha fazlası olduğunu ve gerçekten pilotlu uçuşun (uzay uçuşuna ulaşan uçakların) daha etkileyici olduğunu düşünen dünyanın Chuck Yeagers'ıyla birlikteyim. Ama yine de bu noktada işletmeyi hala sorgularım - şimdi soğuk savaş bitti, Mars'ın yüzeyine tek bir kişi veya birkaç kişi koymak için çalışmanın anlamı nedir? İnsani bir girişim olarak ilham vericidir, ancak her şeyden çok para yakmanın muazzam bir yoludur. Şüphesiz bu konuda bazı düşünceleriniz var; onları paylaşmaktan çekinmeyin.
Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.