Ultra Ultra itibaren Føvling, Denmark



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Ultra Ultra Kitabın yeniden yazılması (10)

2019-12-01 07:40

Teke Şenliği TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Can Yayınları

I need to start out this review with a confession as it may have something to do with my review as a whole. I am in a book slump. Perhaps it’s me adjusting to me new work schedule, dealing with other things, less time to read…I dunno but I can’t seem to find anything that will pull me out of this darkness. I really enjoyed the beginning of Untamable. I instantly liked Sidda’s charm, wit and backbone. She’s one tough cookie and she doesn’t care who she has to punch out to get what she wants. Her mouth is lovable in a “I would beat her ass if she said that to me” kinda way. I LOVED HER. Jasper was a cocky alpha, hell bent on landing errr… mounting….errr…whatever….he wanted. I really loved the mystery behind what he was doing for so long in Romania with some other female while Sidda sat at home not knowing where he was. Jasper was total dominant alpha and I found him to be lovable, infuriating and completely dominant. YUMMY. However about 30% into the book I started to, for lack of a better word, get bored. There was so much inter-pack politics and the characters where so back in forth with their feelings…I just wanted something to happen. Sidda was constantly trying to tell herself how much she hated Jasper and then in the next thought declare her love. Jasper was being a total man and just wanting to smack her ass lol. Once the true plot of the villain, Dane, is revealed we start meeting all these secondary characters and it gets pretty hard to keep up with who is who, who is related to who, who’s been with who, and who all these pups belong to. More than once I thought about taking notes to keep track.I’m glad I wasn’t the character in the book in charge of tracking these wolves down to bring into the new pack Jasper was forming. Poor wolf has his work cut out for him :) All that aside once I got into the last leg of the book the action and plot picked up considerably and I found myself drawn back in again. I really liked Stephan’s (the villains second in command) hardass character who was fighting for control over his inner demons and past actions. I am a huge supporter of Sayde Grace. She has written some things that literally made me pace a room with anticipation. I love her writing style and for her very first attempt at paranormal romance I would say Untamable is a solid start. I give Untamable by Sayde Grace 3.25 stars!

2019-12-01 08:40

High School Musical - Broadway Hayalleri-N. B. Grace TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık

Taken from Amazon.com: Gloeckner's latest, a combination of comics and prose, follows the sexual misadventures and coming-of-age of Minnie Goetze, a troubled teenager very much reminiscent of Gloeckner, as she stumbles toward adulthood in 1970s San Francisco. Minnie's diary details the loss of her virginity to Monroe, her mother's less than devoted boyfriend. She falls in love with him, though he continues to sleep with Minnie's self-absorbed, drunken mother. A hellish adolescence follows: Minnie's kicked out of various schools, has promiscuous sex and ends up on the streets, strung out and obsessed with a young lesbian who pimps her out for more drugs. Gloeckner mined these same experiences in her award-winning graphic novel A Child's Life. In this work, though, Minnie's story is told through a combination of prose, illustrations and comics, capturing the confused inner dialogue of a precocious, attention-starved girl with a talent for drawing. This is both the book's strength and its weakness. Unlike the highly distilled emotions of A Child's Life, the prose descriptions of Minnie's experiences are engaging but formless, bleeding onto the page. The crisp details of Gloeckner's b&w drawings help by grounding the stories in a convincing realism, but they're obviously the product of an older, more judgmental, but also more reflective, self. More affecting are the casual teenage doodlings and comics that Gloeckner includes periodically throughout the book.

2019-12-01 16:40

Üst Dünyaları Edinmek - Rav Michael Laitman TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Alter Yayıncılık

Este o poveste ce îţi provoacă în suflet sentimente de compasiune şi bunăvoinţă faţă de nenorocirile altora. Pe de altă parte faci cunoştinţă cu societatea americană a anilor '60 în care părinţii care aveau copii cu dificultăţi mentale aveau puterea de a-i abandona fără nici un resentiment în centre instituţionalizate deplorabile în care lucrau "demoni" cu chip uman. Pasajul în care este prezentat un asemenea loc pentru acesti pui de oameni este sfâşietor şi a trebuit sa trag aer în piept de câteva ori pentru a putea citi în continuare. Într-o noapte de iarnă cu o ninsoare teribilă, medicul ortoped David Henry merge la spital împreuna cu soţia, Norah. În lipsa unui ginecolog, David împreuna cu ajutorul asistentei Caroline Gill o ajută pe Norah să aducă pe lume un băieţel perfect sănătos, Paul. Pe neaşteptate, medicul descoperă că soţia lui este însărcinată cu gemeni şi o aduce pe lume şi pe micuţa Phoebe. Imediat după naştere, David îşi dă seama că fetiţa are sindromul Down şi i-o dă asistentei, explicând că moartea bolnavei lui surori i-a distrus mama şi nu doreşte să se întâmple la fel cu Norah. În schimb, pe Phoebe vrea să o trimită într-un centru specializat motivând că oricum nu va trăi mult, iar pe soţia lui o va informa că micuţa a murit chiar la naştere. Caroline, instruită unde să ducă copilul, vizitează instituţia şi nu are puterea să o lăsa acolo pe Phoebe. Astfel decide să o păstreze şi renunţând la totul, se mută într-un alt oraş. În urma deciziei pe care a luat-o David, care ajunge să îl bântuie toată viaţa, Norah suferă luni de zile de depresie. Ca şi cum sufletul unei mame simte că puiul ei trăieşte, ea nu este capabilă să treacă peste un asemenea moment. De fiecare dată aduce în discuţie amintirea fetiţei, torturându-l în neştiinţă pe David. Între cei doi se instalează treptat distanţa, ca pe la mijlocul romanului doctorul să moară fără a dezvălui secretul.

Okuyucu Ultra Ultra itibaren Føvling, Denmark

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.