виктория гава itibaren Bishwamvarpur, Bangladesh



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2019-10-04 16:41

7Nota Klasik Gitar Kılıfı - Tam Boy Çift Askılı TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: 7Nota

After reading both of Tori's books and watching her show, I wanted to see Candy's reaction to Tori's comments/stories about her childhood. Really though, there is no point to read Candy's book. She barely discusses her children. **Possible Spoilers** Here is what I did learn: her house is 56,500 sf; her attic at The Manor is 17,000 (with a salon; she is down sizing to a 17,000 sf condo (what will she do???); her husband, Aaron, was the king of ABC in the mid-80s - one third of their prime time in the mid-80s was made up of Aaron's shows; she has every script from every episode of every show Aaron worked on; she has a lot of collections; she buys her window cleaner from the 99 cent store. There are many other inane comments. Candy did retell a couple of stories that Tori discusses. One is the Marie Antoinette Halloween costume. Candy swears Tori loved it when she wore it; but now Tori has rewritten history. The dolls... Tori discusses the Madame Alexander dolls her mother gave her, but Tori was never allowed to play with. Candy says Tori loved those dolls, then one day she stopped loving them. So Candy has them in her doll museum. (OK, a doll museum? And Candy designed dolls? I'm going to give the truth of this story to Tori! Her mom loved the dolls.) The sad part is, you can tell Candy wants a relationship with Tori and her grandchildren. However, writing such in a book that Tori may or may not read is silly. Also, writing an open letter to the grandchildren? Pointless. Also sad, Candy ever showed any growth as a human. Apparently she was the same as a child as she is as an adult. Disappointing was that Candy never discussed Aaron's passing. She talks about how much they loved each other, so one would assume that would have been a crucial moment in Candy's life. Perhaps she was holding back for the next book. Anyway, read the book if you like. But don't expect too much.

2019-10-04 20:41

Matematikçinin Galaksi Rehberi Matematiksel Bilimkurgu Öyküleri TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Martin Gardner

EL EJE HISTÓRICO Karl Jaspers hizo el gran descubrimiento histórico que se convirtió en la piedra angular de su filosofía de la historia, su origen y su objetivo. La noción bíblica de que todos los hombres descienden de Adán y comparten el mismo origen y de que todos viajan hacia el mismo objetivo de la salvación y el juicio final está más allá de todo conocimiento y de toda prueba. La filosofía cristiana de la historia, desde Agustín hasta Hegel, vio en la aparición de Cristo el momento crucial y el centro de la historia mundial. Como tal, sólo es válido para los creyentes cristianos; y si sostiene su autoridad sobre todos, lo hace en la forma de una unidad de humanidad como cualquier otro mito que puede enseñar una pluralidad de comienzos y fines. Contra esto y otras filosofías de la historia similares que elaboran un concepto de una historia mundial sobre la base de la experiencia histórica de un pueblo o de una parte en particular del mundo, Jaspers ha descubierto un eje histórico empírico que otorga a todas las naciones "un marco común de autocomprensión histórica". El eje de la historia mundial parece pasar a través del siglo V a.C., en medio del proceso espiritual entre 800 y 200 a.C., Confucio y Lao-Tsé en China, los Upanishads y Buda en India, Zaratustra en Persia, los profetas de Palestina, Homero, los filósofos, las tragedias griegas. Una característica de los hechos que tuvieron lugar en esta era es que estaban totalmente desconectados, que se convirtieron en los orígenes de las grandes civilizaciones históricas del mundo y que estos orígenes, en su misma diferenciación, tenian algo en común. Esta peculiar igualdad puede estudiarse y definirse de varias maneras: es la época cuando se utilizaban o descartaban mitologías para la base de las grandes religiones del mundo con su concepto de Un Dios trascendente; cuando la filosofía hace su aparición en todas partes: el hombre descubre al Ser como un todo y a sí mismo como básicamente diferente de todos los demás seres; cuando por primera vez, el hombre se torna en un enigma para sí mismo, se vuelve consciente de la conciencia, empieza a pensar sobre el pensamiento; cuando en todas partes aparecen grandes personalidades que no aceptarán más o serán aceptadas como meros miembros de sus respectivas comunidades sino que se consideran individuos y diseñan nuevos modos individuales de vida: la vida del hombre inteligente, la vida del profeta, la vida del ermitaño que se aparta de la sociedad y se interna en una nueva espiritualidad e intimidad. Todas las categorías básicas de nuestro pensamiento y todos los principios básicos de nuestras creencias fueron creados durante este período. Fue la época en que la humanidad descubrió por primera vez la condición humana en la Tierra, de modo que a partir de entonces, la mera secuencia cronológica de sucesos podía convertirse en un relato y los relatos ser transformados en historia, un importante objeto de reflexión y de entendimiento. El eje histórico de la humanidad es entonces " una era aproximadamente a mediados del último milenio a.C., para lo cual, todo aquello que lo precedió parece haber sido una preparación y con lo cual se relaciona todo lo subsecuente. La historia mundial de la humanidad deriva su estructura de este período. No es un eje del cual podamos afirmar un carácter permanente, absoluto y único. Pero es el eje de la breve historia mundial que ha tenido lugar hasta la actualidad, aquella que, en la conciencia de todos los hombres, podría representar la base de la unidad histórica que reconocen en la solidaridad. El eje real sería entonces la encarnación de un eje ideal, alrededor del cual se ve atraído el movimiento de la humanidad". HANNA ARENDT, Hombres en tiempos de oscuridad. Ed. Gedisa, 1990.

2019-10-04 23:41

Çıkartmalı Masallar - Orman Kitabı TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Çiçek Yayıncılık

This book weighed heavily on me, and some of the images, the vivid descriptions of horrific/tragedy, I'm sure I will revisit. The read is hard to take, but in my opinion, it does all that a book should do, provoking serious thought from the reader on the American Dream, on capitalism and just how much the human spirit can endure. The story of Lithuanian immigrants, Jurgis and his family go to the U.S. move to Chicago and work in the meat-packing inudstry, soon learning of the dangerous working conditions, unjust treatment of the workers, the merciless labor with little reward. When the story begins, the reader learns that the family's downward spiral is just beginning, as they are starting off their new life as a couple in financial crisis set off by the cost of their veselija... the horrors that follow are unimaginable. I think early on, the author sums up what we can expect: "The veselija has come down to them from a far-off time; and the meaning of it was that one might dwell within the cave and gaze upon shadows, provided only that once in his lifetime he could break his chains, and feel his wings, and behold the sun; provided that once in his lifetime he might testify to the fact that life, with all its cares and its terrors, is no such great thing after all, but merely a bubble upon the surface of a river, a thing that one may toss about and play with as a juggler tosses his golden balls, a thing that one may quaff, like a goblet of rare red wine. Thus having known himself for the master of things, a man could go back to his toil and live upon the memory all his days" Quotes: •"Here is a population, low-class and mostly foreign, hanging always on the verge of starvation and dependent for its opportunities of life upon the whim of men every bit as brutal and unscrupulous as the old-time slave drivers; under such circumstances, immorality is exactly as inevitable, and as prevalent, as it is under the system of chattel slavery." "Jurgis could see all the truth now-could see himself through the whole long course of events, the victim of ravenous vultures that had torn into his vitals and devoured him; of fiends that had racked and tortured him, mocking him, meantime, jeering in his face." •"To you, the toilers, who have made this land, and have no voice in its councils! To you, whose lot it is to sow that others may reap, to labor and obey, and ask no more than the wages of a beast of burden, the food and shelter to keep you alive from day to day. It is to you that I come with my message of salvation, it is to you that I appeal." - The Jungle, The Jungle, Ch. 28

Okuyucu виктория гава itibaren Bishwamvarpur, Bangladesh

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.