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Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Ensar Neşriyat
Wow - I think these kids grew up in my hometown, for at least a little while!
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Kitap Yayınevi
Distubing world with a distubing religion. I hated this series and yet couldnt stop reading it with a morbid fascination. Appeals to a dark side in me and made me uncomforable. Unfortunaly, the books 2-3 dont have the same shock value.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Final Yayınları
Like most of Neil Gaiman's books, the ideas behind these stories are really really awesome and mind-blowing and then the execution is sometimes excellent and sometimes lacking. Overall I enjoyed these.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Pegasus Yayınları
As the title would suggest, this is a collection of sci-fi takes on the Great Detective. As with any anthology, the stories varied in quality—there was, for example, an interesting story about a time traveling Moriarty and an intriguing tale about a Holmes who may (or may not) have succumbed to senility. Mostly, though, there wasn't enough Sherlock Holmes in a collection that was nominally all about him! Instead there were stories about an alien race that has modeled itself after Victorian England (including a Holmes stand-in), or a highly-intelligent dog that solves crime, or a pair of children with the power to to evoke fictional creatures like the Hound of the Baskervilles to kill their parents. Okay, fine. But what I wanted was explorations of Holmes' (and Watson's) character, through the wonderful, slightly-distorted lens that sci-fi tropes can provide. I wanted to see Holmes' wonderful mind react to time travel or alien life; I want to see his and Watson's friendship stand the test of time and space, as promised by the title. But unfortunately, this collection remained sadly earthbound. Much better is Neil Gaiman's "A Study in Emerald" which, fortunately, is available online: [].
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Coşku Yayınları
This book made me want to be a physicist...for like a year. Which is pretty amazing. I love the way this guy looks at the world and presents really complex ideas in a completely understandable and interesting way.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları
This series keeps me interested enough to read....but it's not enought "oomph" for me. I think its perfect for maybe a younger to mid teen. But, it has some great references to witchcraft in it to aid the main character, in a good way. Its a great book to emphasize friends sticking together and helping eachother.
So far, I'm not loving this book. It meets several of the "reading challenges" so I am really bummed because I'm not sure that I will finish it,
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Hep Kitap
This was just so sad, such desperate lives. Some wonderful characters but too sad!
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: İmece
Ma exaspereaza la Gabriela Melinescu un soi de dualitate pe care nu mi-o pot explica: pe de o parte religiozitatea ei, de care aminteste la tot pasul (rugaciunea inimii, Filocalia, Psalmii etc.) si care e o trasatura oarecum definitorie a existentei ei, si refuzul de a aduce pe lume copii (intr-un loc, pe care nu-l gasesc acum, foloseste chiar cuvintul "multiplicare"), tradus in multiple avorturi. Doua dintre ele sint mentionate in acest jurnal, un altul - chiar primul, daca nu ma insel, (un episod de altfel destul de dur), e amintit in Ghetele fericirii. Explicatia ei consta in faptul ca Rene, sotul ei, are deja doi copii care sufera de pe urma divortului lui de mama lor si au o relatie extrem de tensionata. Iar un alt copil (pe care Rene chiar si-l doreste!) ar amplifica si mai mult problemele existente. Ma minunez de usurinta cu care trece de la un avort la altul, sau de la un avort la celelalte probleme cotidiene. Sau poate ca nu lasa sa se vada asta (durerea sau orice alt sentiment ar putea rezulta) in jurnal, desi jurnalul in sine pare destul de sincer si sint multe alte probleme sensibile pe care le discuta si le mentioneaza de nenumatate ori (vezi sinuciderea tatalui). Sint tentata sa o judec si sa presupun ca o face dintr-un soi de egoism exacerbat (nu degeaba se autodenumeste felina de mai multe ori) sau poate pentru ca mai presus de orice, pentru ea sint literatura si arta. Dar mai bine sa nu o judec si sa ma mir in continuare de duplicitatea ciudata de care ziceam. Jurnalul incepe odata cu mutarea ei in Suedia, viata cu Rene Coeckelberghs, proprietarul faimoasei edituri suedeze care publica autori din fostul bloc comunist in chiar perioada de glorie a lui, dezvoltarea ei ca scriitoare si artista, noile relatii pe care le stabileste in Suedia (scriitori, traducatori, academicieni), calatoriile in Europa precum si nenumaratele amintiri legate de viata in Romania (prieteniile literare, problemele familiale sau cele cu securitatea). Jurnalul propriu-zis mi se pare scris exact pentru a fi publicat. Nu stiu de unde am sentimentul asta, probabil din limbajul evident literar pe care-l foloseste (mi-amintesc acum de Jurnalul lui Sebastian,la polul opus). ***
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Dağarcık Yayınları
oh my heart. oh swoon. oh help me rhonda. this book rocks - it's one to own. i must make things now!
Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.