Zaviša Host itibaren Łącki Młyn, Poland



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2019-07-16 01:40

Fenâ Risalesi TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: İbn Arabi

Also published under The Ranting Dragon Debris is the debut novel of Australian author Jo Anderton and the first in a projected trilogy, The Veiled Worlds, to be published by Angry Robot Books. Despite some minor flaws, Debris is quite a solid first novel and showcases Anderton’s substantial storytelling talent, marking her as a name to watch in the future. What goes up must come down Debris takes place in Movoc, a remarkable technologically advanced city that sits in the shadow of a symbolic mountain known as the Keeper. Since the revolutionary discovery that most individuals possess the ability to manipulate the small building blocks of matter known as pions through certain geometric configurations and ritual gestures, Movoc-under-Keeper has led the world in everything from architecture to art and medicine. However, while it may seem like a utopia for those who possess significant pion-binding ability, beneath society’s surface lies corruption and oppression. An underclass of ‘collectors’ are forced to collect the bi-product of pion-manipulation, known as debris, and are shunned by the rest of society. Like many recent debut novels, Debris is told from a single first-person viewpoint, that of the protagonist Tanyana. When we are first introduced to Tanyana, she is one of the city’s elite, a prodigal pion binder and master architect, working on her most ambitious project yet. However, she soon falls victim to a suspicious accident. Her masterpiece is destroyed, she is left scarred, and her connection to the world of pions is severed. Bound into a bizarre ‘collecting suit’, Tanyana must learn to adapt to life at the lowest rung of society, all the while attempting to discover the truth about her fall. However, there is more to the world of pions and debris than meets the eye. Beneath the surface of society brews something far greater and more dangerous than she ever imagined. A perfect set-up for some truly epic conflicts Have you ever read a novel where you had a few gripes with certain characters but were never once tempted to put the book down? How about a novel where at certain points you were not 100% sure what you were reading or what the author was trying to achieve, yet despite it all you were intrigued and still kept coming back for more? This pretty much summarizes my experience with Debris. A dystopian world of ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ and the tale of an individual’s fall from the highest rungs of society are not exactly new to the fantasy genre, yet Anderton manages to put her own spin on these familiar tropes and make them feel fresh. The world itself is unique, containing a number of intriguing aspects. For instance, the opposing forces of debris and pions make for a compelling and complex magic system. The collecting suit and its relationship with its wearer is also quite a fascinating concept that has many potential uses throughout the series. In addition, the government organization, the veche, provides a satisfyingly foreboding presence and its agents, referred to as ‘the puppet men’, are undeniably creepy and sinister. Furthermore, I thought that the reliance of Movoc’s upper classes on pions and the division between ‘binders’ and ‘collectors’ were believable byproducts of a society wherein most individuals possess some degree of pion manipulating power. In some ways this may even be interpreted as social commentary on Western civilization’s own growing reliance on technology. Anderton also does a good job of depicting the culture shock suffered by someone used to having everything come easily, suddenly losing it all and being forced to work to fulfill even the most basic needs. Altogether, this provides an excellent stage for a number of conflicts to play out and for various questions to be explored throughout the story. Imperfect characters you will grow to love On the whole, the characters are quite well developed and believable. Initially I had some reservations about Tanyana, as I found her a little cold and self satisfied and disliked her haughty demeanor. Nevertheless, as the novel progressed she retained her distinctive ‘spark’ but adapted to circumstances and grew as a person, becoming much easier to relate to as a result. Due to the first person narrative we don’t get as much insight into some of the secondary characters as we could. Nevertheless, many are quite well developed and leave you wanting to learn more about them. For instance, I loved the warmth in the relationship between the group leader Kichlan and his ‘broken’ brother Lad. In addition, their landlord, Eugeny, also stood out as a complex and three-dimensional individual. On the other hand, there was one character whose behavior just seemed odd throughout the entire novel and who wasn’t believable to me as a person. Without spoiling the novel for others, there turned out to be a legitimate reason for this strange characterization; however, the way it was executed was not particularly subtle. Usually I would consider this a major flaw as it failed to utilize what could, with a slightly lighter touch, have been a shocking surprise. Initially, it also seemed unrealistic to me that a protagonist who had previously been shown as competent and intelligent would fail to have seen this development coming. However, after contemplating why this didn’t bother me as much as I thought it should, I had a realization—this novel is not really about the unexpected reveal; it’s about the characters and their reactions to each other and the events around them. When I looked at the situation considering the fact that Tanyana had recently lost almost everything that made her who she once was, it seemed fitting that she would ignore seemingly obvious cues in a final desperate attempt to hold onto one last connection to her former life. Building up to something even more climactic As Debris is the first novel in a trilogy, its main purpose is to introduce the world and characters and set up events that will culminate in later books. Anderton definitely achieves this and the necessary worldbuilding and characterization is quite fascinating, despite the fact it results in a slightly slower pace. Furthermore, the action really picks up at the end of the novel and there are a number of plot twists that I didn’t see coming. The events that occur in the last quarter, as well as the connection I felt to the characters by this point, made me quite eager to find out what happens next. In the spirit of full disclosure, I’ll mention that there is some violence in this novel, though it’s pretty mild by modern standards. Additionally, Anderton shows that she sure knows how to write a sex scene, although I’m sure it’s nothing most adult readers can’t deal with! Why should you read this book? Those who take pleasure in checking out new talent on the fantasy scene will have a hard time finding fault with this year’s debuts, and Debris is yet another impressive and promising title to add to the list. Personally, I’m definitely looking forward to the rest of the series and can’t wait to see where Anderton goes with her characters and world. I have a feeling that the next book, Suited, will be even more impressive. Although Anderton makes what could be considered some strange choices throughout the novel, overall Debris worked for me and managed to immerse me in its world. I would definitely recommend it as a book that will appeal to readers who prefer their fantasy complete with a unique magic system, strange technologies, believable characterization and a dystopian edge.

2019-07-16 02:40

Osmanlı’nın Gayrimüslim Askerleri TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Timaş Yayınları

هو مدخلي إلى الكتب وبالتحديد إلى عالم الروايات ككل . بدأت قصتي مع هذا الكتاب في أحد الأيام العادية في المرحلة الثانوية ، كنت قد ذهبت إلى حُجرة التوعية الإسلامية ، وكان هناك شخصٌ يحبه الجميع لأنه يشبع فضول الطلاب بالقصص عن الأشياء التي تستهويهم . أنا عندما أقول أشياء تستهويهم أقصد بقصصٍ عن الجن وأخبارهم ورحلات وطرائف بعض الرجال في البراري . ذهبت إلى الحُجرة لا أنتظر منه أن يأتي بشيء جديد غير ماقلته لكم ، لكن الغريب أنه عندما دخل علينا وأعناق أصدقائي تشرأب وعلامات الحماس قد ظهرت على وجوههم قال لنا : اليوم سأحكي لكم عن قصةٍ عجيبة غريبه لم تسمعوا بمثلها . ذهل الطلاب بما سمعوا وبدأ الأستاذ يحكي لنا عن قصة ثلاثة أصدقاء أسمائهم الأمين وهشام وعامر. ثلاثة أصدقاء عزموا على أن يتأكدوا من حقيقة قصة كانوا قد سمعوها من عجوزٍ خرج من قلعة بعدما قضى ثمانون عاماً بحثاً عن مخرج . ولم يكن أي شيء يأكد لهم هذه القصة الا أن يدخلوا هذه القلعة ! ، وبدأ الأستاذ يسرد لنا أحداث القصة بطريقةٍ مسرحية معبرةٍ جداً . لم يكمل لنا القصة الأستاذ وذلك لإنتهاء وقت ( الفسحة ) ولكننا أصررنا عليه أن يكملها حتى وإن كان على حساب الحصة الدراسية القادمة . وافق على مضض وطفق يكمل لنا القصة وعندما إنتصف وعلقنا في حبل رفيعٍ بين سفحيّ جبل قال لنا أنه لن يكمل أكثر من ذلك لأنه لا يريد أن يهدم متعة القصة علينا وأننا يجب علينا أقتنائها والبدء بقراءتها ، وقتها كنت لم أقرء كتاباً قط ( بإستثناء كتاب الله عز وجل) ، فبدأت بالتفكير بقراءة الرواية لأن أحداثها شدّتني ولا أكاد أصبر لأعرف ماذا حصل للأمين وهشام وعامر . ذهبت إلى الأستاذ وقلت له : هل من الممكن أن تقول لي أين أجد تلك الرواية لأشتريها. فقال لي بشيءٍ من الأسف : واللهِ كان بودي أن أخبرك عن مكانها لكنني أنا نفسي لا أعرف أين أجدها . فقلت له وانا متعجب : كيف لا تعرف مكانها وأنت قد قرأتها ؟!! . قال لي وهو يبتسم : ليس هذا مقصدي ، أنا أقصد أنني بحثت عنها بكل مكان ولم أجدها إلا في المدينة المنورة ووجدتها نسخة واحدة ولو وجدت عشر نسخ لأخذتها ووزعتها على من أحب . فرجعت كسيراً منهزماً وفاقداً للأمل . وبعد أيام قال لي أحد أصدقائي أنه إشتراها من الرياض ، وأنه عندما ينتهي منها سيعيرني إياها ، طبعاً فرحت ولحظة وصولها إلي قرأتها ، وماذا أقراً ؟ لا أستطيع وصف سعادتي لكم ولا حتى إستمتاعي ، كانت لحظات من أجمل اللحظات . وجائتني هذه النسخة ( التي في الصورة أمامكم ) \ كهدية من أحد أعز أصدقائي في العام الماضي . قرأتها كثيراً وفي كل مرةٍ أستمتع أكثر ، قد يتوارد إلى أذهانكم : ماهذا المغفل ! يعيد قراءة رواية ؟ هل يتوقع أن تتغير الأحداث مثلاً ؟ . لا ياصاحبي هذه الرواية تختلف إنها رواية ( رمزية ) وأنا لأعني رمزية بالمقصد أنها رخيصة الثمن ( مع أنها كذلك ) لكن أصد أن الشخصيات التي فيها حقيقية! وموجودة ! ولكن الكاتب حوّرها وغيرها لكنه أحتفظ بالطرق ووسرد الأحداث على طريقته ، طبعاً لن تفهم حديثي هذا ولن تتفكك هذه الطلاسم حتى تقرأه وتراه بعينيك ، الشاهد أني كلما قرأته بدأت تتربط الأحداث ببعضها وأعرف من يقصد بالثور وبالقرد وبالخنزير وهلم جر .

2019-07-16 05:40

Teorem Kpss 2015 Sıradışı Matematik Ve Geometri Çözümlü Soru Bankası-Hakan Aldı TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Teorem Yayıncılık

Reviewed by Jaglvr for Welcome to BARD KING. This is the second book in the POLIS series by Rowena Wright. The seventh age, the age of the rulers, is winding down. The Acropolis Fund is holding their ball to determine who they will endorse for the next mayoral race. Daemon Skye refuses to let the age of the rulers end. He enjoys the perks that Ringgold rulers such as him have earned. When an unlikely candidate, Nicholas Bard, emerges as the Fund's choice, the action and tension in BARD KING picks up 100-fold. The story centers on a small group of teens: Ericca Ludwig, Elle Nix, Matt Sennes, and Byron Peterson. Ericca is the odd one out. Part of the Ringgold community, she lives in much poorer conditions as compared to her friends. Her father's whereabouts are shrouded in mystery. Considered a military dissenter from the Tunnel Wars, Ericca has never met her dad, Branch Archer. The group gets sucked into a battle to save the world as they know it. Daemon Skye controls an unknown group called the Terrors. The Terrors are to protect the Silver Umbrella. The Umbrella is what gives Daemon his power over the Sapling world. Unless the Silver Umbrella can be destroyed, chances are, Nicholas will not win the election. After finishing BARD KING, I have to admit I wasn't sure if the story was to be a social commentary of our time, or simply an enjoyable science fiction/fantasy tale. The Ringgolds inhabit the human (Sapling) world, but also exist in another realm only accessible to them and distinguished Sapling leaders. Ms. Wright creates an imaginative world with many layers. The Quinotaur Exchange is elaborately explained and vital to the action that comprises the second half of the story. The characters are well-developed and support each other in their trials to defeat Daemon Skye. In light of today's economical insecurities, reading the BARD KING gave fresh insight into financial dealings throughout the world. If nothing else, BARD KING is educational! And you can find out how important a Q-computer and a simple library card can be!

Okuyucu Zaviša Host itibaren Łącki Młyn, Poland

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