João Sampaio itibaren Kasiraopeta, Andhra Pradesh, India



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2019-03-22 12:40

Bir Günde Ekonomist Nasıl Olunur? TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Etkileşim Yayınları

This book belongs in the pantheon of great American novels. I have a real soft spot for books about one's faith, and the epoch of American cultural domination (2nd half of 20th century), and this book covers both. This book is long, so it is really about several things: New Hampshire, The Vietnam War, faith, boarding school, family, passion or a lack thereof, you name it, but it is the part about faith that is the most interesting to me. Owen Meany is an abnormally small human being, who tops out at barely 5 feet tall. But inside this tiny body is a power born of fervency, intellect, and extreme, unbending, unquestionable faith. But if you know anything about the last 50 years of America, faith has been in an ever-dwindling supply. To me, this is the crux of the book, what happens when people lacking faith are intertwined with one whose level of certainty borders on the profane, and surpasses it according to some. As the book is not told in a chronological order, you know what happens to Owen far before the end of the book, but you don't know if Owen is actually prescient until the very end. It is a brilliant way of escaping the standard linearity of the novel, while leaving the big reveal right to the very end. Like so many great books, all of the sub-themes could be the stand-alone focus of a lesser, shorter book, but are simply intertwined among others here. The family dynamics of the dowager grandmother and her obsession with TV are wonderful. The author's description of the mother, as simultaneously erotic, chaste, and untouchable is superb, as is the description of the Nativity, Owen's fierce acting as the Ghost of Christmas future, and the lovely description of life in an elite New England boarding school and the epic battles held with the Head who is, of course, no match for the power of little Owen Meany.None of this even touches on the questions of a life basically un-lived, which is the narrator's curse. Is the narrator even alive, so empty is his life. His existence and life call into question what happens when you carefully avoid being passionate about, or committing to, anything. But all of themes are rightfully subsumed under the question of faith. Is Owen crazy or is he God's chosen instrument? What happens when people believe in miracles, perform them, or even embody them when the world around is no longer in a place where they are willing to believe?

Okuyucu João Sampaio itibaren Kasiraopeta, Andhra Pradesh, India

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.