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Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Ekinoks Yayın Grubu
Joan had an interesting journey, one which I can't completely identify with. I'm not sure who I would recommend this to, perhaps it would give men some incite to the conflicts women have with their roles as wife, mother, and self.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Kronik Kitap
boring...i just gave it an extra star cause it has to do with desi's..
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Everest Yayınları
I recently purchased this collection with my Christmas money. My opinion stands firm: Calvin and Hobbes is simply genius, the best comic strip ever to spring from a cartoonist's ink. It is full of just the right combination of eloquent, look-up-those-words discussions, sudden hilarity, beautiful visuals, nostalgia, heartwarming friendship, and stark truths. Anyone with a pulse should read Calvin and Hobbes sometime in their life.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Romantik Kitap
Inhalt: Ein plötzlicher Sturm, der alles bisher Gesehene übertrifft, zerstört New York. Beinahe alle Erwachsenen werden von Blitzen verschlungen, nur wenige Menschen bleiben verschont. Darunter Matt und Tobias, die schnell herausfinden, dass nur Kinder die unvorstellbare Naturkatastrophe überlebt haben. Doch Das, was von New York übriggeblieben ist, gleicht einem Weltuntergangsszenario. Die beiden Freunde machen sich auf die Suche nach anderen Überlebenden. Doch sie müssen schon bald feststellen, dass das Unwetter nicht nur ihre Heimatstadt verwüstet zurückgelassen hat, sondern auch merkwürdige und gefährliche Wesen zu zu Tage gefördert hat, die die menschliche Vorstellungskraft übersteigen. Meine Meinung: Maxime Chattam erzählt eine Geschichte, die aus einem Albtraum stammen könnte. Die Welt scheint unterzugehen. Was übrig bleibt ist eine Erde, die von Kindern bevölkert wird. Und anderen Gestalten, die aus Horrofilmen entsprungen sein könnten. Gefährlich, grausam und ohne Gnade. Erscheint ‘Alterra’ zunächst noch wie eine äußerst kreative und nie denkbare Fantasygeschichte, wird dem Leser schnell deutlich, was wirklich hinter dem Auslöser des zerstörenden Sturmes steckt. Und plötzlich breitet sich ein beklemmendes Gefühl im Leser aus, lässt ihn nachdenklich werden und lässt vermuten, dass dieses Unglück gar nicht so unrealistisch ist. Der Autor beschreibt in seinem hervorragendem All-Age-Buch (ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass dieser Roman auch Erwachsene begeistern kann) nicht nur den bitteren Kampf der Kinder und Jugendlichen um das Überleben. Vielmehr zeigt er auch, wie es den Pans, wie sich die Überlebenden Teenager selber nennen, gelingt, eine Gemeinschaft zu bilden, die sich für seine Mitglieder einsetzt. Zum Neuaufbau der Bevölkerung gehört nicht nur die Suche nach Nahrung, sondern darüber hinaus auch das Bestimmen eines Führers und das Umgehen mit Hindernissen, das nicht immer übersinnlicher Natur ist. Maxime Chattam schreibt diese Situationen dermaßen fesselnd, dass sie unheimlich spannend zu lesen sind. Neben nervenaufreibenden Momenten gibt es trotzdem auch immer wieder Augenblicke, die äußerst emotional sind. Kinder haben ihre Eltern verloren und sich völlig auf sich alleine gestellt. Daher gibt es oft Situationen, in denen die Hilflosigkeit der Pans für den Leser absolut greifbar werden. In ‘Alterra’ sind es neben der dramatischen Geschichte auch die Figuren, die den Leser das Buch gebannt verfolgen lassen. Vielfältige Charaktere, von stark und mutig, zu unsicher und ängstlich, bieten der Leserschaft eine große Identifikationsmöglichkeit. Und so ist es auch immer wieder die Freundschaft und tiefe Zuneigung, die die drei Protagonisten Matt, Tobias und Ambre miteinander teilen, die eine imponierende Wirkung auf den Leser haben. Fazit: ‘Alterra’ ist eine überaus faszinierende, spannende und gelungene Fantasygeschichte, welche ich nicht nur Jugendlichen empfehlen kann. Trotz seiner Fantasyelemente verbirgt sich hinter Chattams Roman auch eine erschreckend realistisches Buch.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Gece Kitaplığı
Was a good tutorial to help me understand the papiamentu (spanish/dutch/creole) language of Aruba. I plan on buying it one day.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Gold Müzik Market
It would be wonderful if more people involved in politics were as magnanimous as Abraham Lincoln. He seemed to consistently put his country ahead of his personal feelings and ambitions.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Harf Eğitim Yayıncılık
I have read the book, The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. In this book, there are three main characters, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny. Violet is the oldest, Klaus is in between and Sunny is a baby. Violet, is fourteen years old, and is a very smart girl. She likes to invent things, and she wishes she could spend all of her time inventing things. Violet thinks that it is important to take care of her younger siblings, and she does a great job at it. Klaus likes to spend a lot of his time reading. Klaus is also smart, and he is like a human dictionary. If violet needs to know a word, she can just ask Klaus and he will know it. Then there is Sunny, who is just a baby and says random words that Klaus and Violet try to interpret. The plot of this story is great, it’s almost like the author went through the same kind of thing. The only part I don’t like is they don’t tell enough about their parents. On a cloudy day, the children were on the beach, when Mr. Poe came up to them and told them their parents were dead. The kids then have to go live with the Evil Count Olaf, who pays no attention to them, and only is giving them a place to live because he wants their money. The kids don’t like Count Olaf, and they would rather spend more time at their neighbor’s house, Justice Stratuse. One day Count Olaf asks them to be in a play with him, which Violet has to marry Count Olaf. They end up being in the play, but come up with a sneaky plan. I have rated this book four star, because it wasn’t the best book I have ever read, and there is a couple confusing parts in the book, like how it doesn’t tell a lot about the day at the beach. I would recommend this book to other people, because it was a book that made me want to keep reading.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: İnkılap Kitabevi
Paul Farmer's commitment to the poor is challenging, inspiring. His approach toward health care in the developing world -- his effort to create a 'preferential option for the poor' -- flies in the face of all conventional wisdom about the need for sustainability, replicability, etc. in non-profits. It's absurd, a fool's errand, and yet it continues to work, and continues to save and transform lives in Haiti and across the globe.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Palme Yayıncılık
Interesting premise, but the story started dragging, and I felt like I was constantly being hit over the head with heavy interpretations of the characters' motives and feelings, as if I couldn't figure out on my own what kind of people they were. (I guess you have to do this when the characters are completely unoriginal.)And I got tired of the way she used bad language like a teenager trying to sound mature by swearing and dropping the f-bomb. I didn't finish it. It looks like I'm in the minority on this one. Enjoyed one of her other books, but this one didn't work for me.
Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Eolo
Can't believe I have finished ans will have to wait a year for another! Didn't think I would like Tohr with someone else, but enjoyed his pairing with Autumn. And Lassiter..what a hoot! Now I want to know who comes next. Dying for Blay and Quinn, but how will Layla fit in it? Great stories, great reads. Love, love, love the Brotherhood!!!
Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.