Abdul Basit itibaren Abakai, Lithuania



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Abdul Basit Kitabın yeniden yazılması (11)

2018-10-18 13:40

Bir Volkanın Öyküsü - Nicholas Harris TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: 1001 Çiçek Kitaplar

This is a well-written teen fiction. This is a story about friendship, grief, teenage angst and coping. I love the characters, as always. I can see Holden in Miles, Alaska, Chip and Takumi’s character. Well, for me, it’s like Miles is a combination of Holden and Charlie. Alaska loves books and is smart. Miles loves famous last words. For him, it seems like he knows those people more than anybody. And Chip, he loves geography. I still remember him being able to recite Uzbekistan’s population that time. I don’t know why John Green’s characters all have nerdy aspect. I love it though. I liked the author’s writing style. He’s just amazing, and sometimes I wish I could write like him. Haha. Well, this has to be one of those books that I really treasure. I hope everyone will get the chance to read this. Some parts were sad and sometimes you’ll wish that you’re one of the characters so you can do something. I had a great read even though it’s hard to find John Green’s book here. And about the Great Perhaps? It could be a turning point in our life. Realizing that some things we think are important aren’t that important. And maybe it also means looking forward to something, and maybe we can actually never know what this great perhaps is. Just try to enjoy everything at the moment and stop trying to escape the present.

2018-10-18 18:40

Stres Kaygı Ve Depresyondan Kurtuluş-David Servan - Schreiber TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Elips Kitap

“Siber­ian Prison” by E.v. Enz­mann is a non fic­tion account of the author’s expe­ri­ence in the Aus­trian Army and as a Russ­ian pris­oner of war. The eye­wit­ness account was trans­lated, edited but mostly left intact from the original. The book is an eye­wit­ness account of an solider in the Aus­trian army who was taken as a Russ­ian pris­oner dur­ing the Brusillov offen­sive. I tremen­dously enjoyed “Siber­ian Prison” by E.v. Enz­mann. Being an old sol­dier myself I appre­ci­ated the humor, story, skill and his­tory being pre­sented in the book. The story of Mr. Enz­mann, a school­teacher who became an offi­cer in the Aus­trian army dur­ing World War I is astound­ing. To read the col­or­ful eye­wit­ness account of his tri­als and tribu­la­tions was amazing. Mr. Enzmann’s sar­cas­tic sense of humor is, espe­cially to those who have been in the mil­i­tary, shines through the pages. For exam­ple, the Aus­trian army’s gen­er­ous hand­ing out medals: "You usu­ally received the first medal because you did not have a sin­gle one and your breast looked bare. You received teh sec­ond because one seemed to be so lit­tle; you got the third because you had already two. The fourth and fifth were awarded because a man who had so many medals must be a very brave man, and one one could not go wrong in giv­ing him another one. Hardly any­one knew why he got a medal, but every­body was sure he would never get a medal when he did some­thing for which he deserved one." Mr. Enz­mann goes on to say that the way for pla­toon lead­ers to get medals was to: "…play cards with the com­man­der and let him win. Only fools tried to get medals for brav­ery by being brave". There are many things I learned from this book, what amazed me was the how depen­dent was the Siber­ian econ­omy on pris­on­ers of war. The pris­on­ers were an inte­gral part of the com­merce by the time the war ended. Many were house­hold mem­bers, started their own busi­nesses, mar­ried local girls (regard­less if they had fam­i­lies back home) and more. The whole early pris­oner of war expe­ri­ence, to me, was well worth read­ing the book. I usu­ally don’t like to read books such as this one. There are sev­eral rea­sons; most of the books are unpro­fes­sional, badly edited (if at all) and frankly not very inter­est­ing. I cer­tainly under­stand and appre­ci­ate the need of peo­ple to put down their amaz­ing expe­ri­ences down on paper for future gen­er­a­tions and they are usu­ally well received among fam­i­lies, how­ever for the lay­man reader…not so much. I also feel bad about not lik­ing such books, after all, some­one poured out their heart and soul for the ben­e­fit of their chil­dren and grand­chil­dren, and who am I? – Some schmo with a blog – to pass judg­ment? I was glad that this book is an exception. There is an appen­dix pro­vided by Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann, the author’s son, which is also very inter­est­ing and helps pull the story together. For more reviews and bookish posts please visit: http://www.ManOfLaBook.com

Okuyucu Abdul Basit itibaren Abakai, Lithuania

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.