Vincent Ho itibaren Condé-Northen, France



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2018-09-07 19:41

Galli D610 Elektro Gitar Teli Nikel Round TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Galli

Mr. Elder does a decent job at confronting the slave mentality that has plagued black america for decades. However, if you have already read "The Ten Things You Can't Say in America" then much of this will already be familiar. As a person of color, I find it quite insulting when told that no matter how hard I work, the omnipresent "man" is only going to let me go so far. Or that if I am not hired by a company it's because I am black, and not because they just didn't want to hire me. Elder brings up valid arguments against statements like this, however, this information falls on deaf ears or is met with much resistance today. Much like telling an addict they have an addiction. What's even sadder is there are people who capitalize on maintaining a helpless culture. Racism that's covert. The glass ceiling. Encouraging government dependence. Blaming the government for our poor choices (like selling and smoking crack). I could go on but he lists so much more. I've read some of the messages that Mr. Elder recieves (probably daily) on his website calling him an "Uncle Tom" and worse derogatory terms because he is "pandering to the White folk." This just reinforces my belief that he has written something that is thought provoking and, more than likely, true, even in my own life. I personally have had moments of victim thinking, fortunately, my father (who grew up poorer than many who are poor think they are. think "carboard to replace the soles of his shoes poor") did not allow me to continue that thinking. He always told me that nobody would hand me anything and that I would have to work for it. Elder recieved the same messages from his father. This is a must read for liberals and conservatives, victicrats and non-victicrats, and anyone who recognizes the victim mentality's permeation into our entire society.

2018-09-07 20:41

Su Adamı - Aleksandr Belyaev TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: İthaki Yayınları

"the vagina monologues" began ambitiously, as the author, eve ensler, interviewed hundreds of women from all around the globe about their vaginas-- something most of us don't spend much time talking about!-- but i don't think even ensler could ever have predicted the impact it would have on the world. "the vagina monologues" turned into v-day, one of the most important worldwide events, consistently raising awareness and money to work to end violence against women. through all of this, it can be easy to lose sight of how important the monologues themselves are. i remember when i first learned of the monologues-- through a book review. they had not even been sent to bookstores yet. i was intrigued and anxiously awaited the release date. i was not disappointed. "the vagina monologues" deserves every bit of acclaim it has received. this is a tangent, but a funny story to anyone who knows me. i have terrible stage fright. i'm always trying to combat it however and frequently force myself to speak in front of large audiences, even as my hands shake and my eyes go blurry. so, the largest part of the v-day campaign every year are the hundreds of productions of "the vagina monologues" on college campuses throughout the world. in fact, my first time seeing the monologues was at my college's benefit performance (though i have seen the monologues performed countless times since then, including a few times by ensler herself). my first year in law school, our women's law caucus decided to do our own benefit production, by and for the law school community. though my stage fright was already scorching its way through my body, i immediately signed up. i thought, "these are my peers, we're all law geeks, i can do this, i *have* to do this." and what monologue did i choose to perform? the lesbian dominatrix, of course. it is the penultimate monologue and often a show-stopper (i won't reveal why in case anyone reading this doesn't know the monologue i'm referring to). the night of our performance, the room was filled beyond capacity. i was terrified. as the time for my monologue approached, i took several deep breaths and sat down. i'm not sure i opened my eyes at all, but i did it, i did the whole damn thing and i didn't hold back at all. in front of pretty much my entire law school community, i performed all of it, ending with a very long triple orgasm moan. when i opened my eyes, there was a second of silence-- and then thunderous applause. i could hardly breathe, i was so choked up from the actual performance and my stage fright. but i did it and it was one of the best, most unforgettable experiences of my life.

2018-09-07 22:41

Yargı Yayınları 2018 Ales Vıp Sonbahar Dahil Son 10 Sınav Tamamı Çözümlü Çıkmış Sorular TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Yargı Yayınları

** spoiler alert ** So Jayne Anne Krentz and her various pseudonyms are my mindless entertainment. I know four things about the book before I even open it: 1) the heroine will not exactly be beautiful, but she will be sassy and surprisingly insightful about some things (possibly to make up for her total obtuseness regarding her personal life); 2) the hero will not be handsome, but he will be compelling, highly self-controlled, and seemingly cool--he will probably have features that have been "cut out of stone" or something similar; 3)Despite the hero's ability to control everything else in his life, he will be at a loss as to how to stop the force of nature that is the heroine; and 4)as a commercial romance, it will end happily. As you can probably tell, I have a certain affection for the works of this author, possibly because they are heavy on the snarky wordplay and mystery/suspense and light on the sex scenes and drama. While I wouldn't want to read them all the time, they are fun every now and again. That being said, I'm less fond of the Jayne Castle books than I am the Krentz and Quick counterparts. While I enjoy sci-fi and fantasy, I tend to get annoyed at these particular titles because their psychic/paranormal parts don't feel real--an argument that I wouldn't make about her Arcane Society books. While the "ghosts" and "para-psych senses" pervade the entire Harmony/Ghost-hunter series, they feel super-contrived--like she needed something to jazz up the books, and this is what she came up with. My recommendation: if you want to try some of this author's works, try the Arcane Society. They are written under two different names and bounce back and forth from the present (Jayne Anne Krentz) to Victorian England (Amanda Quick). They aren't great literature, but they aren't bad for a couple hours' entertainment.

2018-09-07 23:41

Lastvoice Fast Track Usb Ses Kartı ve Behringer C-1 Condenser Mikrofon Set TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Lastvoice

I am disappointed by this book. I had great expectations considering the contents of this story and I was upset that William Styron used "Sophie's Choice" as it's climax all the while filling the middle pages with fluff. And I use the word climax lightly. [image error] What the hell?! Sophie's Choice is about a Polish woman, Sophie, who is imprisioned at Auschwitz along with her two children. Upon arrival, she is forced to make a crushing choice that will forever plague her. However, you don't find out about this "choice" until 529 pages later with only 33 pages left. All the while, you learn about her life leading up to Auschwitz and her crazy and bizzare love for Nathan, her lover. Yes, a heart-wrenching story and one that I had placed off reading for some time due to the nature of the book, but it could have been something more. It SHOULD HAVE been something more. I expected it to be something more...more moving...more emotional. However, by the time our author developed the characters and allowed the reader to associate with each character, I found myself, not only loathing Sophie, but hoping the book would end a certain way so she would finally be placed out of her misery and mine as well. William Styron filled the pages in between with such adolescent bullshit that I often thought I was reading Playboy forum or something of the sort. An oversexed Polish woman, a drugged-out sadomasochistic Jewish lover, and a wet-dream of a 22 year old virgin couple that with Auschwitz, NO THANKS! I just changed my star rating from 3 to 2!

2018-09-08 01:41

Palyaçobalığı Palya - Nursel Erdoğan TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Yapı Kredi Yayınları

Der Leopard ist ein Krimi, der eine so starke Horrorkomponente hat, dass sie fast zuviel ist für meine zartgestickte Seele. Manche Opfer werden nicht nur ermordet, sondern auch noch gefoltert und das in ausführlichsten Beschreibungen aus der Sicht des Sterbenden. Schon bei der ersten Szene setzte doch ernsthaft mein Würgereflex ein. Weiters ist dies ein Roman, bei dem ein empfindliches Gemüt zwar dann in der Nacht schlechte Träume bekommt, aber den man auch nicht weglegen kann - wie so ein hypnotisiertes Kanninchen, das die Schlange kommen sieht und nicht wegrennen kann. Sprachlich ist der Leopard zwar keine Offenbarung, aber die Spannung hält einem sowieso in den Klauen. Der Plot ist voll von Verdächtigen, die sich mit der Anzahl der Toten reduzieren, die Wendungen sind manchmal vorhersehbar und manchmal aber auch sehr überraschend. Ein netter Einfall in der Dramaturgie ist, dass sich rivalisierende Polzei-Abteilungen beim Wettlauf um die Aufklärung der Verbrechen gegenseitig im Wege stehen und aktiv behindern, Intrigen werden gesponnen und Sündenböcke für Ermittlungsfehler präsentiert. Einzig diese unzähligen teilweise unaussprechlichen norwegischen Namen ließen mich manchmal kurzfristig den Überblick verlieren, wer diese Person nun jetzt wieder ist: ein bestehender Verdächtiger aus vorhergegangenen Kapiteln, ein neues Opfer, ein neuer Ermittler, Forensiker, Landpolizist (von welcher Behörde jetzt gleich?).. aber der Faden war schnell wieder gefunden. Eine Frage stellt sich mir aber dennoch: Was macht es aus, dass diese Skandinavier so unheimlich gut in Krimis sind?. Sind es die wenigen Stunden Tageslicht im Winter, bei denen man auf den Geschmack kommt wenigstens auf dem Papier jemanden zu ermorden? Fazit für echte Krimifans, die etwas aushalten, der perfekte Roman: spannend, blutrünstig und meist leicht zu lesen.

Okuyucu Vincent Ho itibaren Condé-Northen, France

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.