Reforma Promit itibaren Nazarovo, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russia



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2018-07-21 02:40

İnşaata Girmek Tehlikeli ve Mubahtır TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Everest Yayınları

Gruen really put one over on the rubes with this book. That's the only explanation I can think for writing, plot, atmosphere, and characterization this poor making it onto the NY Times bestseller list. I'm not altogether convinced that the title isn't purposely misleading, meant to trick the reader into thinking he would be getting a story on par with "Like Water for Chocolate." Jeanne Ray's blurb on the back of the hardcover edition states how Gruen "bring[s the circus] world alive for the reader. I could smell it, taste it, feel every word of it." Yes, that's because Gruen borrows from every circus and carnival film ever produced, from "The Greatest Show on Earth" to "Carnivale." It's easy to picture something one has already seen. Gruen even admits in her Author's Notes what bits she lifted from circus tales and old news clippings, and I wasn't surprised to learn that all the rare interesting bits in the novel were not her original ideas. I wasn't far into the book when I started to think "of course" after every dramatic turn and minute detail. Of course he would get the bad news in the middle of class. Of course they would lose the house. Of course he would break down in the middle of the final exam. Of course he would have to room with a clown, who is of course a little person, whose costume of course is polka-dot with a giant neck ruffle. Of course the horse is going to die; of course they would feed it to the big cats. Of course the husband is a maniac. Of course the circus owner is greedy and heartless. You get the idea. Too bad Gruen didn't have any. None of the characters is very interesting, but Gruen seemed oblivious to the fact that her protagonist was coming across as a selfish, morally compromised brat. The one character that I thought had potential, Walter, who actually showed some growth, Gruen eventually relegated to plot device. In short, all of the characters spoke the same way-- with some circus slang thrown in here and there-- and none of them sounded as if they were speaking in the 1930's. It's a shame really that a good germ of an idea couldn't have found a better author, or at least an editor.

Okuyucu Reforma Promit itibaren Nazarovo, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russia

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.