Eli Dong itibaren Kolešovice, Czech Republic



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Eli Dong Kitabın yeniden yazılması (10)

2018-07-18 14:40

Teke Yörükleri (1800-1900) TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları

** spoiler alert ** Okay, lemme tell myself and anyone who want to listen to me. Let the classics be the classics. I mean, I love Beauty and the Beast. I adore the Disney's version even though the prince was well...hideous. That was why I never got the story introduction, but anyways, let's start with what I dislike/hate about the book. The modern version of Beauty and the Beast was okay. But it was still modern. I prefer the classics to remain classics. But, it wasn't that bad. Now, you might be wondering why I picked this up if I don't like modern versions of the classics but I was curious about the hubbub that 'everyone' was making about it. So I picked it up for the sake of shutting my hounders up and hey, I was curious. Back to my rant. Linda needs some serious character development. Here's what it sounds like to me: Adrian: I want you to like me. Linda: NO! I HATE YOU! GO AWAY! And that go on for a few pages...thank goodness. THEN, we have more GO AWAY's, then we proceed to: Linda: I like you! Adrian: I do too! Urm, yeah, does that sound like a second Bella to anyone? I also think that it is utterly unlikely that a guy like Kyle - oops, I mean ADRIAN can become an Erik (talking in Phantom of the Opera here) in a few months or rather, a few pages. As much as I want to believe that a guy can be a sap with his words, it is just not possible for a 15 year old. Now, if he was a college student or older, I can understand that. Now, what I like about the book...hmm, well I have to say that I am a sucker for tragic pasts and stuff like that so I can understand Adrian although I don't have to like him. It was also good that Linda's father was the bad guy so I can totally understand why her father would give her up just like that. The ending was terrible. Terrible, terrible, terrible. Oh, but before I get to that, there was a scene where Linda and Adrian laugh about 'long underwear'. Wait, stop there...he LAUGHS? Wouldn't it be like MWAHAHAHAHA in a beast roar kind of way? Man, that would have scare the shit out of me if someone did that - even if they were a close one. Oh, and the name change was GREAT. Kyle to Adrian, that was awesome. Kyle never suited the guy anyways. Now, to the ending. It was CHEESY and bad cheesy. What the heck dude? Happily ever after? No, no, no! That is not right. Well, that remind me that the characters need some character development anyways. Now, what I mean is that Finn could have an ending that totally go like this (using a different story as an example): x: I love you too, because you're smart enough to love me! Y: -smack X's head with a book- Something like that! Something that tells that the story isn't over in sappiness. They're human! Of course, there's going to be some goggly eyes, but come on! But, it was a decent book, I 'spose. OH! Yes, LOVE DOES NOT exist in many teenagers. We call them lust, people. I just find that love story a bit hard to believe.

Okuyucu Eli Dong itibaren Kolešovice, Czech Republic

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.