Jinwoong Seo itibaren Begues, Barcelona, Spain



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2018-06-26 18:40

War For The Planet Of The Apes - Maymunlar Cehennemi Savaş Steelbook 3D+2D Blu Ray Dısc TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından:

I was reluctant to read I Am Number Four because of all the controversy about what actually went down with James Frey. After seeing the movie, I decided to give it a shot because it seems liked a good story. What I found was an honest male prospective with great adventure, vivid writing and a unique plot equal parts exciting and action packed. Perhaps my most favorite thing about I Am Number Four was John's voice. Everything from the way he saw the world to the way he spoke was very male to me. I'm not saying that I haven't read novels that excel at this but this novel was particularly good at creating a male that was both authentic and likable. His most used phrase "hell yeah" was familiar and through his perspective we got to see how earth compared to his home planet. I liked that he didn't back down to bullying but was also so sweet and devoted to Sarah. The combination of a sense of responsibility and his willingness to be a kid (I'm looking at when he holds Henri on the ceiling until he gets his way) really made his character pop. Another great thing about this novel was it's supporting characters. Many of them weren't what they originally seemed. Even when John had type casted him, he'd be pleasantly surprised to find out that they were different. My favorite relationships were between John and Sam, who needed a friend desperately, and John and Henri. I Am Number Four is stuffed with originality from the different type of legacies, the way the charms work, how the deaths are burned into their legs to the evil races hunting down the Numbers. Learning with John about his what happened to his home planet and about his powers and those who seek to steal these things was fascinating and kept me turning pages. This novel isn't without it's faults. For me, the story dragged a bit towards the middle and was bogged down by a lot of detail. At times, the detailing was amazing but there were other times where I felt like it slowed down the action and as a result, I lost some of the tension. This is especially evident in the ending. I found that I actually liked the movie ending better than the book. I realize that fight scenes are incredibly visual and that a movie can accomplish this better but I liked how bad ass Four and Six are in the movie. I felt Four/John lost this edge in the book and it made me a little upset. The other major compliant I had was I felt things come together in Ohio a bit too easily for John. He wanted Sarah? She likes him! He wanted a friend? Here's Sam! He wanted to stand up to Mark? Done! It wasn't enough to be really annoying but I'd have like to see him try a bit harder. Though I did have a few complaints, I'm so happy I read this book overall. John's voice was authentic, the other characters broke free of stereotypes and the journey is fast paced. I loved the movie and I loved the book just as much. I can't wait to see what will happen to John, Six and Sam as they begin to find the other four in The Power of Six!

2018-06-26 21:40

Tilki Fred Ve Yaban Dünya - Clive Mcfarland TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi

Tarafından yazılmış kitap Tarafından: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları

Ull! (Oju!), parlo de l'argument!!!! Estic impressionada amb el llibre. M'ha encantat. M'ha fet submergir-me en un món fantàstic d'aventures que feia temps que no trobava (a excepció de La Princesa Promesa, llegida fa poc). És d'aquells llibres que enganxen totalment, absorbents... a mi no se m'ha fet llarg en absolut, ha estat una delícia. Sánchez Piñol m'ha sorprés molt i molt; ja m'havia agradat La Pell Freda, però allà l'ambient era més dens, més obscur, més angoixant... a Pandora he descobert que a més d'escriure fantàsticament bé, té sentit de l'humor. Sens dubte l'aventura, el misteri... i ara he descobert que l'amor (quina gran història d'amor, per cert, tot i que sigui mentida, ja passa ja...) són el seu gènere. Voldria comentar una cosa que no he pogut evitar pensar mentre llegia el llibre. De m'apareixia la versió cinematogràfica mentre l'anava llegint, i com a en MacMahon, també hi havia detalls que em sobtaven i que no m'explicava, però que perdonava per la immensa atracció que el llibre exercia sobre meu. Conjugant tot això, pregunto: no us recorda la història de la trama jurídica a "Las dos caras de la verdad", on curiosament, el prota és en Edward Norton????? I aquesta coixera que arrossega Marcus, a més de caracteritzar al personatge, no us ha fet pensar en el personatge de Kevin Spacey a "Sospechosos Habituales", en Keyser Sozé???? A més totes dues són històries d'assassinats on un únic (en principi, sempre hi ha un altre "único testigo") personatge ha pogut sobreviure i reconstruir la història per al món???? No sé, no sé, potser sóc jo, però crec veure moltes referències i "ullets" cinematogràfics.... Tindria un 10 sinó fos per una única escena "musical" del llibre que ha pogut amb mi: el final del judici ha estat massa ianqui, massa patriòtic pel meu estòmac, però segur que a Hollywood els entusiasma.... jo diria que Sánchez Piñol ha pensat en tot.... :) Proposo com a candidats per a la versió cinematogràfica: Marcus Garvey= L'actor francès Patrick Bruel estaria bé, però crec que és massa gran. Què tal el mexicà Gael García Bernal: impressionants ulls verds, jove, morenet... i a més bon actor, amb "charm". Podria estar bé. Tommy Thompson = voto per Daniel Brühl. Ha d'aparentar 20 anys, i tenir una cara tímida, però que destil·li caràcter. Edward Norton = parlen de calbs i a mi sempre m'apareix en John Malkovich, però em sembla que potser està una mica gran pel paper (no per aixó menys encisador). Què tal si rapem al propi Norton actor per a una prova a veure si dóna el pego.... Pepe = Forest Whitaker o inclús Reginald VelJohnson Amgam = Milla Jovovich, la més andrògina i bella de les dones.... Duc de Craver =Sir Anthony Hopkins, és que té aquella cara aristocràtica... Richard Craver = Stephen Fry William Craver= Ralph Fiennes, mmmm no sé no sé .... seguiré estudiant el tema....

Okuyucu Jinwoong Seo itibaren Begues, Barcelona, Spain

Kullanıcı, bu kitapları portalın yayın kurulu olan 2017-2018'de en ilginç olarak değerlendirdi "TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi" Tüm okuyucuların bu literatürü tanımalarını tavsiye eder.