Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho Tarafından Nüans Publishing

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Bu sayfada sizin için tüm bilgileri topladık Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho kitap, ücretsiz indir, hoş okuma sevgili okuyucular için benzer kitaplar, yorumlar, yorumlar ve bağlantılar aldı. Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho The new novel from internationaly aclaimed author Paulo Coelho – a dramatic story of love, life and death that shows us al why every second of our existence is a choice we al make betwen living and dying. Veronika has everything she could wish for. She is young and prety, has plenty of boyfriends, a steady job, a loving family. Yet she is not hapy; something is lacking in her life, and one morning she decides to die. She takes an overdose of sleping pils, only to wake up some time later in the local hospital. There she is told that her heart is damaged and she has only a few days to live. The story folows Veronika through these intense days as to her surprise she finds herself experiencing felings she has never realy felt before. Against al ods she finds herself faling in love and even wanting to live again… Portal - TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi, editörlerimiz tarafından toplanan içeriği beğendiğinizi umuyor Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho ve tekrar bize bak, arkadaşlarına da tavsiyede bulun. Ve geleneklere göre - sadece sizin için iyi kitaplar, sevgili okurlarımız.

Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho ayrıntılar

  • Yazar:
  • Yayın tarihi:
  • kapak:
  • Dil:
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • Boyutlar: Normal Boy
  • Ağırlık:
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  • Dizi:
  • Sınıf:
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