Savaş Ve Barış - Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy Tarafından Mavi Yelken Yayıncılık
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Bu sayfada sizin için tüm bilgileri topladık Savaş Ve Barış - Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy kitap, ücretsiz indir, hoş okuma sevgili okuyucular için benzer kitaplar, yorumlar, yorumlar ve bağlantılar aldı. Savaş Ve Barış - Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy Zamanın Rusya’sını iyisiyle kötüsüyle anlatan bir eser. İnsanın olduğu yerde eksik olmayan aşk, hırs, iyilik, düşmanlık ve entrika. Bir yanda ne için yapıldığı bir türlü bilinmeyen ve onca insanın ölmesine sebep olan savaşlar; diğer yanda "barış"ın küçük bir sınıfın daimi kaderi oluşu. Savaşta da barışta da dürüstlüğü ilke edinmiş kahramanlar. Hep aykırı bir tip olan Piyer Bezukof ve onun şahsında iyiliğin üstünlüğü. Kadınların genel konumları ve çıkar çevrelerinin ince hesapları. "Kanlı sargılar içindeki bütün bu bozuk insan etleri." cümlesiyle özetleyebileceğimiz Savaş; balolar, partilerle süslenen Barış. Kısacası; Strakof’un deyimiyle "Hayatın, zamanın Rusya’sının, tarihin, sınıf kavgalarının olağan üstü bir tablosu; insana insanlığa ait ne varsa; insanın mutluluğunun ve büyüklüğünün; felaketinin ve küçüklüğünün mükemel bir tanımı nedir? Derseniz cevabı şudur: "Savaş ve Barış" Portal - TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi, editörlerimiz tarafından toplanan içeriği beğendiğinizi umuyor Savaş Ve Barış - Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy ve tekrar bize bak, arkadaşlarına da tavsiyede bulun. Ve geleneklere göre - sadece sizin için iyi kitaplar, sevgili okurlarımız.
Savaş Ve Barış - Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy ayrıntılar
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- Boyutlar: Normal Boy
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Savaş Ve Barış - Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy Kitabın yeniden yazılması
Jordanna A jordannapardal — i'll give it this... it was an easy read. other than the periodic puking because of the cheese factor and my impatience because the same pattern kept repeating over and over again, it didn't take me long to finish. because it's teen fiction. whatever. i don't regret reading it.
Amir Haggag _mirhaggag — This is the second book in the cousin’s War of the Roses trilogy. The story is told from the perspective of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond, mother of Henry VII and grandmother of Henry VIII. Margaret believes from early childhood that she is chosen by God to do great things, much in the same way that Joan of Arc believed. When she bears her only child, Henry Tudor, she becomes equally convinced that her God-granted destiny is to put her son on the throne. For those who do not share her views or conviction, which is just about everyone, Margaret has nothing but scorn. This period in England’s History that is marked with strife and civil unrest as the House of Lancaster and the House of York continuously plot, scheme and wage war against each other for the throne. It covers roughly the same time period as The White Queen, but it’s being told from the opposite point of view. What I enjoyed most is that there is very little overlap. I found it interesting to compare the few events that are covered in both books from the different women’s viewpoints. I did find that there were some odd historical errors, however. Phillipa Gregory pushes the 1469 Battle of Edgecote into 1470, making it the event that restores Henry VI to the throne, and she has Elizabeth Woodville give up the Duke of York prior to, rather than after, Hastings has been executed. Granted this is a work of fiction, so I suppose the author might have been following the theory that Hastings was executed on June 20 instead of June 13, but I have read that this theory has been discredited for some time. These errors really do not make a difference in the greater scheme of things, however, and did not distract at all from the sheer enjoyment I had gotten from reading this book. I definitely look forward to the next in the series, which I have heard will be about Elizabeth of York. I loved that there were parts in The Red Queen that I remembered from The White Queen. Which really left you feeling like a fly on the wall on both York and Lancaster houses. All in all, I found this a diverting and enjoyable read about a woman who's been relatively neglected in historical fiction.
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