İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık - Aziz Nesin Tarafından Nesin Yayınları
İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık - Aziz Nesin ücretsiz kitap indir

Bu sayfada sizin için tüm bilgileri topladık İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık - Aziz Nesin kitap, ücretsiz indir, hoş okuma sevgili okuyucular için benzer kitaplar, yorumlar, yorumlar ve bağlantılar aldı. İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık - Aziz Nesin İhtilal komitesinden Miralay Şehabülcenab, - Merkez Bankası'nı zaptetmeyelim, deyince Ferik Ebülfedal, - Niçin? diye sordu. Miralay Şehabülcenab da, - İşe yaramayan dairelerin zaptı ile boşuna kuvet harcamayalım, dedi. Bu teklif kabul edilince, işe yaramayan dairelerden Maliye Nezareti, Belediye, Nüfus ve İstatistik Umum Müdürlüklerinin zaptından vazgeçildi. Hiçbir işe yaramayan resmi daireler sayılırken, işe yarayanın olmadığı anlaşılınca Miralay Ebülhicap, - İşe yaramıyor diye resmi daireler zapt edilmeyecekse, bu takdirde ihtilalden de vazgeçmek icap eder, deyince kaymakam Behlul, - Arkadaşlar, unutmayınız ki, işe yarar bir resmi daire bulunmadığı için biz bu ihtilali yapıyoruz, dedi. Böylece niçin ihtilal yapacağımız da anlaşılmış oldu. Portal - TrendKitaplar Kütüphanesi, editörlerimiz tarafından toplanan içeriği beğendiğinizi umuyor İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık - Aziz Nesin ve tekrar bize bak, arkadaşlarına da tavsiyede bulun. Ve geleneklere göre - sadece sizin için iyi kitaplar, sevgili okurlarımız.
İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık - Aziz Nesin ayrıntılar
- Yayın tarihi:
- kapak:
- Dil: Türkçe
- ISBN-10:
- ISBN-13:
- Boyutlar: Normal Boy
- Ağırlık:
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İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık - Aziz Nesin Kitabın yeniden yazılması
Mohamed Zakaria 2eyecatch — A really good memoir of a family escaping from petty thugs and a corrupt police force on Cape Cod. Cylin and John Busby, father and daughter, each flash back to a time in the late 70's when Cylin was nine, and her father, a cop on Cape Cod, was a little too bold about wiping out police corruption, and clearing their town of Falmouth out from the grasp of criminals. The story begins on the night that John is shot in the face, permanently disfiguring him and making basic functions such as eating and drinking nearly impossible. The story covers John's anger at his shooting, his need for revenge, Cylin and her family's fear of another attack,and how their lives all change. The writing was really good from both voices, particularly Cylin Busby, who was the editor and chief of Teen Magazine (I think!) at one point. I hope she goes on to write more, fiction and non-fiction both. I agree with a review that said that John Busby's writing digressed a little too much, but it was a very good description of the paralysis and personal anguish that comes from having an injury as serious as his was. My only question about this book is, why was it published as a teen nonfiction? I wonder if the publisher would only market it that way because Cylin writes from the perspective of a nine year old. My theory is that teen readers would be interested in a lot of what this book covers, but not nearly all of it (John digresses A LOT about things that happened in an era that teens today would consider the stone age), and that adults would be interested in all of it. I wonder if it would have gotten more attention as an adult memoir, especially in the Massachusetts area.
Grace Ong graceong008fa6 — My Review: I really enjoyed the writers take on the origin of the Dracule otherwise known as Vampires. I had no expectations for this book, since I have never read any of the Authors work prior to this story. I loved the story and interactions between Angelica and Voss. Since this is the first book in a series, there is a lot of description and explaining about the world. However it didn’t seem exhaustive or overly done. I can’t wait to read Dimitri’s story and read about Angelica’s sisters and brother some more!
Freddy Bee freddybee — Gah! This book was written in this weird present/future tense were everything was written all weird. It was terrible! Plus I hate books where the main characters make stupid decisions, but thats just me.
Benzer kitaplar ile İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık - Aziz Nesin
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